15 reviews liked by aston

Definitivamente um GOTY! zerei esse jogo e ainda fiquei com gostinho de que quero mais, ele pega a gameplay do Batman Arkham Asylum e deixa TUDO melhor, sem tirar ou deixar chato de se utilizar, uma ótima sequencia de um ótimo jogo e com um mundo aberto lindo e com um estilo artístico gótico e único. Um ótimo jogo para quem quer ser o Batman, de longe um dos top 3.


half life 2 gameplay: hehe crowbar go nyoom

half life 2 lore: the most nightmarish, bleak and hopeless fictional dystopia ever concocted

This is probably better than the first. Ngl I liked that it was more heavy on story than the first.

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(PT-BR) Eu assisti um youtuber da gringa falando que esse jogo era ruim por causa dos controles, mas como ele tá sempre fazendo ironia, eu não sei se o que ele falava era verdade ou não, então eu tomei o que ele disse como ironia, afinal né, se tu fala ironizando 90% das vezes nos vídeos e depois fala algo sério, é óbvio que as pessoas vão considerar aqueles 10% ironia também. Acontece que não era ironia, eu joguei e achei ridículo aqueles controles onde analógico pra cima olha pra cima, mas analógico pra direita faz tu se mover pra direita, deviam ter logo copiado doom.

(ENG) Videogamedunkey said this game was unplayable, but i tought he was joking since he jokes all the time, but in fact he wasn’t. I’m not used to this controllers, i try to look up and my character moves foward, i try to go back and my character looks down, it’s insane and i died to the second enemy. Also i played the switch version, they really should have fixed the controllers there or implemented an option of selecting alt controllers inputs, i don’t know why they didn’t.

People told me for years that HL2 was worse, that it was limited, pretentious and unfair. Didn't feel that way about it at all. It is difficult, it is an actively aggressive game. It is also, much like the first, a game that twists your emotions and transforms the player into what it wants them to be. This duology is a nasty piece of work and Wrong Number is a great sequel and closer because it revels in the core contradiction of the series - that this obtuse, difficult and too violent game is addictive because its obtuseness, difficulty and violence is achieved with pointillist precision.

p.s. I know Dennaton cited Lost Highway as an influence on the first game but if another person calls this thing Lynchian, I'm coming to your house.

Work of art in video game form. One of the best video games ever made. Hideo Kojima masterclass.

MGS Series is the best tactical stealth game series, nothing touches it. One of the absolutely best with its story and mechanics as well. MGS3 & Hideo Kojima made a statement with this game clearly saying that. Not a single second went by with me thinking that this game is dragging or being slow with its story and felt struggled by game mechanics because it purely depends on how you play this game and how you approach it. The themes of the game it shows and how it narrates it is beautiful, just everything about how Hideo Kojima is able to do this amazing. Honest to God I want to write more but it's just difficult to put anymore words for this game, it's just that good and if you haven't gone through the series, get into it. I waited a long while to be able to play these games and it didn't fail me at all.

"I raised you. I loved you. I've given you weapons, taught you techniques, endowed you with knowledge. There is nothing more for me to give you. All that's left for you to take, is my life, by your own hand. One must die, and one must live. No victory, no defeat. The survivor will carry on the fight."

Fucking Kino

If you liked the first game, you are going to like this. Enough said

my favourite video game ever of all time