Fun game, pretty awful story, and butchers Tolkien lore. It's all made up for by how fun the game is to play, and how unique the Nemesis system is.

Great game, combat is really difficult to learn, but once you get the hang of it, it's great. The story is also pretty good.

Rating them all at once here, one of my favorite FPS series.

This game has a lot of flaws, but for me, it scratches an itch that not many other games have satisfied. Probably why I keep coming back to it time and time again.

A very fun journey through Greece, will likely play again some day.

I really like the setting, and the combat is very fun, but it is entirely too long and drawn out, 70 hours in I was bored to tears and hadn't even finished the main game or started the dlc. Might pick it up again one day.

Very well made, just was not very into the setting and gameplay.

One of my favorite games, maybe ever.

Great game, just not sure it's for me.