dopamine: the game
the soundtrack alone is worth the pricetag

wow snk really hates making money huh

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you're telling me that this twink was raised by a fucking dog after his dad died? what the fuck is CPS Paldea even up to? where are our tax pokedollars even going?

it's definitely not the best game in the series (although iceborne helped improve a lot of the vanilla release's faults) but it's one of the ones i enjoyed playing the most, and this is why:

1) you pick up a lot of dung in monster hunter world. like, a lot. You're sniffing dung for tracks, you're making bombs out of it, so i think my friends and i decided that canonically the titular Monster Hunter you play as is an extreme scat fetishist. (which, i guess, is fine; i'm not here to yuck your hunters' yum.) but you definitely, definitely play with actual shit often enough for it to be Notable.

2) my character in monster hunter world was a lady with a blonde bobcut, and at one point during the game's early stages when the teostra armor was meta one of my friends made the offhanded comment that she looked like the princess of a fairytale germanic country, if that germanic country was extremely fascist.

3) this resulted in one of the enduring memes in my personal friend group, where my entire time spent playing this game was in character as Princess Glockenspiel of the enduring Kingdom of Glockenspiel, who hunts monsters for pride and sport, and to help fund the economy of the isolated nation through its export of its national dish, which is just literal Shit. I don't know why this is the meme that stuck around, but I really committed to the bit and I can't extricate the experience of live-rping this horrible shit eating fantasy eurotrash woman while bashing and smashing my way through the game.

my time with mh:w is viewed entirely through scheiße colored glasses.

masterworks all, can't go wrong - X
masterworks all, can't go - X
masterwor - X
masterworks all, can't go wrong - X
ma - X
master - X

anyway leave me and my beautiful wife fournival alone

whether or not this pokemon game is good is inconsequential (it's fine, the open world is a let down but the post game is a lot of fun) but the 4 star rating is exclusively for the overwhelming amount of raihan porn the game has inspired; this leggy ass mf is just spreading it everywhere (and good for him!) great pokemon entry for the modern-era sex positivity movement

hyung tae kim was once cursed by a witch to have every woman he has ever drawn elongate into an anatomically incorrect, rudely cartoonish version of amanda lepore, and that is very sad. i say he's served his time, witch; let the man live

anthony burch is rolling over in his grave
yes I know he's not dead

ok for sure this is baby's first soulsborne but we need to have a talk, japan: why does the abandoned skyscraper full of eldritch blood drinking vampire guerrilla fighters in the middle of an abandoned urban hellscape have a fucking mixed gender onsen huh??????/////

you know, i don't think anyone ever asked the question "what if twin peaks was made by european game developers on a limited budget" but if they did, this would be the answer