punch punch punch, stronger punch (sometime maybe find something big to hit with, like a motorcycle) + there's a dog - what's not to love

me during flashbacks and most of the cut scenes that may or may not have important information: SKIP SKIP SKIP
me during that voiceover side mission that went from 0 to gay real quick: whoa....hang on, guys. lets see where this leads.

such a fun franchise.

my masculine urge to become pirate is at all time high. best pirate game you can play in 2024...

the biggest puzzle is how it took me 10 years to finally play and only couple of hours to master. top tier mobile gaming

just as beautiful and peaceful little work of art like the first one.

not me finding one op gun and then only using it in a game that literally has over one billion guns...

i'm arriving the end of my mad max era, because i've watched every movie and documentary, read the comics and now reached Road Warrior legend rank in the game after completing the main story yesterday. no regrets. just sand everywhere