guess i love horror games as much as i love horror movies

finally played it. mainly because of the netflix series, but also wanted to see how difficult it really was. definitely on the harder side, but i did managed to complete the first island. that's more than i ever would have hoped for. and of course beautiful art style and soundtrack.

this series never fails to be a blast

three star classic. a star for every level.

second best pac after 2pac.

i could replay Dishonred games all day long. i won't, but i could

Junior made his father proud.

Behind every great Pac-Man is a great Pac-woman.

(lowkey better than the original)

booooooooooooooy. more like Dad or War.

from scary to annoying real quick

enjoyed this more than the base game, but mainly because it's shorter

better graphics, but worse story. classic horror sequel

i should have liked this way more than i did

you loot and you shoot. it's a hoot!

perfect game to turn off your brain and just chill