They nailed it in ME2 and then fucked it up a bit here! Still not a terrible game. The ending is tragically bad but the atmosphere leading up to it is fun and it is a little extension of the world that was so cool in ME2. Probably worth playing if you have played the rest of the series, but the real gold is in ME2. At least it isn't Andromeda.

One of the greatest role-playing games of all time. Invest in the characters and you will be rewarded.

It's actually pretty good. Free to play now, so if you have never played Overwatch before and are looking for a new ranked ladder then this can be a really fun one to climb! I realise there isn't a whole lot of new content per se, so one could argue that it doesn't justify itself being called a sequel. BUT, if you think of it as just a really big patch, it is an incredible patch to what was a really fun game in 2016 and then was absolutely ruined for a number of different reasons. Taking away most of the shields and one of the tanks saved this game. Funnest Overwatch has ever been!

I think I am in agreement with mostly everyone when I say this game is really really good. I already liked the franchise and really like God of War 3 (mostly because of the awesome spectacle of boss fights), but they have been able to take the awesome elements from the old series and totally up both the gameplay and narrative aspects. The narrative is another great exploration of the father-son dynamic that is prescient in videogames, and it really brings a human element to the character of Kratos (allowing the player to empathise with the character they are playing in a way which most previously more difficult to do). The gameplay isn't perfect, but is at least a stark improvement to the hack and slash gameplay of the original trilogy that had become boring at this point. Glad it got game of the year and hope other studios look over and see that some people are still putting effort into their games.

Love this game. For me this is the greatest in the franchise. I realise it has its shortcomings (in particular the non-boss enemies are unimaginative blobs and the game is somewhat short) but I think the first person element combined with current-gen tech makes this game so gripping and terrifying. This game makes me terrified to move each foot forwards, which is exactly what a horror game should do to you. The boss fights are wildly fun. This is a brilliant installment that has put the resident evil franchise back on track after the failures of RE5 and RE6.

This game is great. I never played the original but the remaster is amazing, albeit a bit expensive for the small number of hours that it takes to complete (about 8). Mr X is such a great videogame villain, and the way he can follow you almost anywhere around the map is a great mechanic to keep you horrified.

I had this game on the ps1 as a kid, but never completed it! So just recently I got the HD remaster on Steam and completed the game, and it is remarkable how well this game holds up! The camera angles are janky, but they really do a good job of making you constantly worried that something could jump out at you. The enemies are varied and imaginative. The gameplay is satisfying. Most importantly the atmosphere is incredibly tense throughout. This game is really amazing, especially for a game that was released in 1996. Would highly suggest playing this game, even 26 years later.

This is a good game and a classic installment to the biggest horror franchise in videogames! I think it is a tad over-rated however, perhaps because it was such a revelation to the industry at the time. The village at the beginning is iconic and a great start, but it gets a bit corny towards the end in the castle. I find the elements of comedy that they employ somewhat cut away the tension that is otherwise omnipresent in other installments (RE1, RE2, RE7).

The Metal Gear Solid franchise is my favourite of all time, but I really don't like this game. The series is notoriously narrative driven, and this installment abandons this for a barren and unfinished open-world. The freedom in approach to engagements and gadgets that they employ are not interesting enough to fill out the sandbox that the players are put in. The core story missions just stop at an arbitrary point, without bothering to complete the story. I imagine this is because they booted Kojima mid-way through the production and were forced to put out whatever they had done. This game is lucky to even receive 2 stars. It is a disgrace to an otherwise glorious franchise. The biggest injustice is that V will generally be reviewed better by the average videogame player than IV, because you can slide down some sand on a box. An absolutely vapid game that shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as its predecessors.

I generally don't like the industry tending towards an open-world for every game franchise, but for pokemon I think it kind of works and could be a good formula to employ going forwards. The game can be an enjoyable collectathon, so I don't completely hate it. It is however obviously rushed and unfinished. The tech is embarrassing, It looks like a game that could run on the playstation 1. If they can spend a bit more time fleshing out the world and making the game run like we are using current-gen consoles in the year 2022, then they could get the franchise back on track. Considering how bad the previous couple of installments have been, I would say that this is a step in the right direction. But there is still a lot of work to do to make this franchise great again.