This review contains spoilers

this game is basically all story, so having not been able to experience it in its intended form and context shouldn’t be the biggest deal, hopefully, but i do really think people misjudge and don’t give this game the credit it deserves. the very essence of Mega Man is a sort of tragic fight for justice, a yearn for true peace that can never fully be achieved, and by the fourth game it already had plot twists and kidnappings, so the big deal about how “dark” and “unfitting the series” this game is never made sense to me, especially considering how out of touch the man most people cite for validation, Inafune, is known to be with the series and game industry as a whole. this plot elaborates on the extraterrestrial themes of 3 that would also (later?) be explored with the Stardroids, forces Wily into a reluctant heroic role for the first time if only briefly, and gives a glimpse at what a completely new type of main antagonist to the series could look like, something that takes advantage of the very nature of the trademark robotic characters to threaten the entire globe at once. basically, it’s just rad as hell and i think people need to get over themselves thinking that Classic is exclusively ‘mega man for babies’ or something.

honestly a decently fun monopoly clone with a charming, unconventional cast and setup. this game is just sweet, even if you only play it for a few minutes.

such a good NES title. i would absolutely recommend this over the second game for newcomers, and even Capcom seemed to agree based on the intro. from the pacing to the weapons, this is just an all around solid experience that gives you some of the best of what the series would come to be known for.

REALLY cool concept, but turned out to be the worst of the World/GB series by far. the developer switch was a real mistake, and i’m glad by the third game they learned their lesson.

for a released beta, it’s a pretty cool one. it just… really needed more time.

established the remaining series staples, is one of the best and most recognizable games of the NES, was a success story of the developers getting another chance at their passion project, stayed the best selling mega man game for decades afterwards, this is all true. but… is it weird to say i like the first one better? i can concede it’s probably entirely bias from this being the most talked about of the series, but its flaws just irritate me more and its high points feel overplayed. it’d be foolish to hold that against the game too much though, and i can’t ignore that it was my first mega man, too. overall, yes it’s good, but expand your palette beyond it if you’re truly interested in mega man.

definitely rough, but so charming for what it is, and undeniably essential to understanding the games that came after. if you have to use save states, rewind, etc. to enjoy this game, that’s fine, but really do try to give it a chance.

without spoilers, i'll say that the ending was a major letdown that really misses the point of these kinds of games. but regardless, this fangame is so high quality, so content-dense, and so much of a banger that its shortcomings don't even matter much, because that isn't what you'll come away from it remembering.

it's genuinely quite hard to put to words how i feel about this game. it's been left to rot by its developers after millions were put into its funding, it started a wave of internet creations that still hasn't stopped, it's all in all coincidentally responsible for so many good fan projects and yet the base game is just... fine. i think it really is fun to replay and a great format for a 4key ddr clone style of thing, the basic premise lends itself to so many fun animated encounters that compliment the music, but the base game only scratches a millimeter of that potential, and the existing songs being replayable only applies when using a fanmade engine that fixes the awful input system. all in all, i really don't know. but i do know that if the full thing ever comes out, don't pay for it because those devs are not to be trusted dawg have you seen their twitters

best remix mod out there, it makes base fnf look good

will always stick with me as such a clever and iconic time capsule of the early indie scene

so fucking iconic and well made for... well, what it is. i wish i could make a game this unrelentingly funny

just as good as super paper mario, but with modern nintendo polish. i honestly don't know which i like more

MaGMML is an acquired taste, but Episode Zero is something everyone can (and should) play. it's so excellently made to balance the wacky variety of the usual contest formula with the quality control and pacing of a retail product and all held together by one of the best movement systems in a platformer.

the best traditional MaGMML game, and possibly even better than Episode Zero because of its story and ending alone. play this game if you care about mega man