a landmark successor to two landmark games, redefining the expectations of what continued support for a kickstarter title like this could even look like.

for the games it compiles, it's near-definitive (mega man 8's saturn version content being the only glaring omission) but it could've done with a few more games, as even if the goal was to focus on exclusively the numbered entries, the DLCs for Mega Man 10 lack context without having played the Game Boy's Mega Man World titles, and Mega Man 9 directly references Mega Man & Bass.

fun extra that adds onto dead estate really well, though definitely not as replayable by nature of not being a rougelike. still definitely coming back to this for an s-rank, though.

my favorite rougelike, honestly. insanely addictive with issac-style crazy item combos that can lead to truly memorable runs. a great story and lovable characters to top it off, not to mention Bazongas

five stars with workshop content, and though the game absolutely does get credit for implementing the workshop support in the first place, it is a bit forgettable without it.

i mean it genuinely is a fine kart racer, it's not horrible. though the best i can say is that it gets better the lower you set the resolution

i can see some of what people like in this game, but it really does take some of the worst of 9 with level and game design, and ends up becoming the mega man 2 of fangames in terms of being overhyped. plus, the ending is the biggest example of one of the worst trends in the classic mega man community story-wise.

suffers from trying too hard to replicate mega man 2 to the point of removing the charge and slide that had become standard by this point in the series and going for a few unfair traps especially in the wily stages, however it still stands on its own merits and did wonders for reviving the dormant series and bringing it back to its heyday

mega man 9, perfected. the dlc is phenomenal too, this is probably the best game he's been playable in and it makes his already fun movement style an absolute joy.

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addresses the issues of 9's story in a really thought provoking and well-crafted way, not to mention having tons of levels with the fusion rms and generally great design, with a ton of difficulty options. highly recommend.

genuinely really fun. can’t ask much more from it, besides an endless mode like the other review mentioned, but yeah idc it’s really good. was fun seeing the challenge runs spring up and the game getting updated to encourage them

endlessly replayable, one of the most content-rich of the series. it never comes to mind first when i think of my favorites, but it honestly should. it’s only held back by what mega man 1 was, and even then it takes great strides above it.

such a nothing game. every single asset is reused, and not very well. at least it’s short.

it’s really a mixed bag. terrible story (english voice acting aside, we all know about that), weird sprites with a lanky, rubbery mega man and a perspective that doesn’t really make sense or look good, janky weapons and required segments with some, the list of flaws goes on. but with gorgeous backgrounds, good boss designs, and amazing music, it’s hard to call it the worst.