i will never be able to fully relive the summer of 2007 but every once in a while i boot this up again and try

is it mid? yes. did i still build every homestead possible? perhaps

makes me want to touch grass :-)


so miserable (in a good way) but the soundtrack goes fucking crazy

i would do anything to crawl through the screen of my switch and live in this silly little world.

amazed i didn't break any real life bones after playing this as an impressionable 4th grader

would do unspeakable things to have this game again

i wish i never started playing this game. anyways stan nico

i miss being 10 and refusing to main anything other than sniper even though i was dogshit. stout shako for two refined.

from many standpoints, skyrim is kind of objectively a bad game. this has not stopped me from playing it for 800+ hours across 3 platforms. fuck you, todd.

we need stop letting david cage develop projects before he makes "kylie jenner police brutality protest pepsi commercial: the game"

weighing my prepubescent self on the wii fit board was my joker moment