Ahh man I don't know. It just kind of removes all of the dirt and grime I loved about SR1. The story and voice acting are ace but damn the backtracking and combat are just the pits.

3/5 of "BC relives his teen years and plays all of LoK"

Played this when I was a teenager and was sick with a fever for like a week. Honestly this time around it wasn't as fun. It's not a bad game but I also don't think it's great. The writing and voice acting definitely prop it up out of the mud. And have to give it credit for giving us a great anti-hero way back when. Now it's such a treat to hear our boy Simon Templeton when he talks to Raziel. "Ohhh it's him."

1/5 of "BC relives his teen years and plays all of LoK"

Man I played this shit when I was a boo-hoo teenager and it hit so hard. "Yeah this is a pitiful form to inhabit, Raziel!"

Playing through this now 25 years later and shit is still solid. The mood is so gloomy and the PSX graphics make it even more gritty. Love running through flooded and muddy ruins and spearing sad excuses for vampires.

It does suffer from of those 90's camera issues (had to remap the camera turn) and the boss fights are mostly a let down. But the writing, mood, and environments are just that good moody shit hell yeah.

2/5 of "BC relives his teen years and plays all of LoK"


Dammit I've tried to play this game so many times but the controls just destroy my hands after 30 mins. A real shame bc it's a technical marvel and I love the setting.

This game feels like it exists in the Ecco the Dolphin universe. I love it.

A good game that respects your time. In-flight RPG battles are pretty great and visually interesting. Feels very of "it's time" which is a good thing. The dragon ability morphing is kind of bonkers how it changes the visuals of the dragons.

I can't imagine if I had played this in the 90's when I was a teenager. Big recommend if you're a fan of low-poly and RPGs.

The first RPGs I had as a kid when I didn't know what RPGs even were. Big nostalgia for so much of this game even tho I never finished it.

Wonderful game to play every night for 30 mins. Tear through a battle, upgrade in town, repeat.

The biggest of disappointments. I wanted to love this game so badly and dropped 20+ hours on it. It just wasn't for me.

You got stage kills, you got a water man and a vampire, you got cover art by friggin Julie Bell, lemme tell ya this is a pretty good soup here.

It's a pretty good Zelda + Dark Cloud mix. Seems to be overlooked but worth your time.

I'd play the hell outta this game in high school while listening to Crystal Method and the Spawn soundtrack.

I mean, it's kind of wild how there's like 3-4 different types of gameplay in this game. I also realized that I was terrified of sharks bc of this game.

It's bad but the visuals kinda sent me for a loop as a kid. Evil forests and dragons and caves and stuff.

Hell yeah look at the box art!

Wild game from when I was a kid. Possibly a worse jump than Classicvania? Cool enemy designs. Fever dream controls. Don't stand next to the door in the helicopter.

A great mixture of chill fishing and weird horror. It made me want to catch all the fish and do all the side quests and it wasn't a chore to do so. I wish the horror ramped up a bit more as you see most of what horror it offers in the first couple of hours.