apart from the style, there's not much going on with the game





this game is intentionally horrible to a fault, restricting your game to a small window, the options menu just being a page telling you to change your OS volume or your mouse sensitivity. so keeping in mind that you can barely see shit, letting enemies easily damage you without knowing and its hard to control your character, its nice to know that the game, complete with the confusing level design, doesn't have a checkpoint system, making it horrible to play in every way. but that horribleness is it's own redeeming point, trying to give off an old school rough ugly experience that games like cruelty squad bring, although to a worse extent.

good art, wacky music, but the gameplay itself leaves a lot to be desired, despite some interesting ideas, like being able to increase your stats only when you die, though that is a double edged sword by itself, and the stats here are just max hp. the character dialogue is nonsensical most of the time, and the story is random gibberish for the surreal aspect, again plus points for art, minus points for everything else. while i support games trying to be art, i don't always appreciate art trying to be games, because they often aren't a lot more fun than a pretty picture