DOOM at one point was downloaded on more computers than windows itself, so what's so great about DOOM?. DOOM has a hard rock soundtrack taking inspiration from famous rock bands such as Plantera, fast action packed gun play, loads of demons from hell, and its 3D, the first episode was shareware so you could play a third of the game for free. it was fast, rocking, and gory. in a time of rebellion it was a hellish demon slaying form of escapism.

DOOM 64 is often assumed to be a simple port such as, DOOM 32X, DOOM jaguar and DOOM PS1. DOOM 64 is a third entry in the series, taking place after DOOM 2 and before DOOM 2016, a more horror focused entry like the other "DOOM 3" without a rock soundtrack instead, it has a atmospheric soundtrack, with all new levels and its own new enemies, moving into a more power age the enemies are still pre-rendered but this time as computer models and not clay models using higher quality textures and sprites, the game also uses colored lighting, unfortunately this is mostly the end of the praise. the movement feels a lot slower than DOOM 1 & 2, the sound design is far more muffled and less punchy, due to the limited size of the game means a lot of animation frames are missing so no more cocking your shotgun or reloading your SSG. the final boss is overly difficult if you haven't gone for all 3 demon keys but if you do it takes a lot longer. i think the game needed more time to cook and be polished but still a wonderful doom game

DOOM 3 is the ugly duckling of the doom franchise, its slow has a horror focus, RELOADING, its the worst rated in the franchise so far, so why do i like it so much? its atmosphere is amazing and i'm always scared shitless at the edge of my seat, wondering if there will be a pinkie or a imp behind the next door, the new designs being more gory and body horror-esque, the fact that you have to chose between a flashlight or a gun at any given time is horrifying, you can either see but not shoot or shoot but not see, and the slow decent from the top public level of the base to the seedy underbelly you weren't meant to see, to the gates of hell themselves where the game starts to feel more like a classic doom game.

after DOOM 2016 ended with the spider mastermind, it had me curious about the "iconic" icon of sin, DOOM ETERNAL somehow manages to fire on all cylinders, redesigning everything to be more colourful, the demons are more viberant and there designs have been tweaked to be more like there original designs, the guns fire faster, you can have more upgrades, do MORE damage, a upgraded chainsaw for optimal RIP AND TEAR. this game is the optimal DOOM gameplay experience. cranking up the gore, glory kills, speed AND damage for the ULTIMATE power fantasy.


DOOM 2016 is a perfect "reboot" of the series, this shooter was one of the first modern fps to incorporate that pure speed you felt playing through E1M1 in DOOM 1993. its a mix of the speed and power you feel that truly makes this one of the all time greats. With secrets that allow you to find levels from the originals and see how far we have come. it is a labor of love and a perfect return to form.

amazing but aiming is like peeing with a boner

more racist than i thought it would be

theres always another goddamn train with you dutch