An excellent soundtrack bogged down by mindless button smash combat, a confusing story hidden behind FIVE different endings/playthroughs and absolute chore of fetch quests and backtracking. Only completed ending A and cannot be bothered to do this four more times. Hope automata is good.

Shelving at the moment. Maybe I don't like this style of game anymore shrug. I played through the first three with such fervor at release though Crash 4 is not grabbing me. Too hard, not my game style anymore, or something else. Unsure though I'm glad it found an audience.

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This game wants to be Chrono Trigger so bad but can't quite get near the highs of that game. The combat and art kept me through the end. The story, and driving forces, are pretty uninteresting. Not a single special or unique moment. Going from area to area until the final boss and its over. An ending so unearned. Then if you want the true ending you have to revive Garl, a complete nobody. He easily could have been a double agent or some sort of antagonist. Neither unfortunately, he is simply the manifestation of the power of friendship and that is required to truly beat the game and get the ending. Though the final boss STILL walks away. Several plot lines without finality and no DLC on the way leaves this feeling incomplete. This does scratch a niche itch of a true turn based JRPG with an engaging combat. I will likely not return to this game as I do my 90's PS1 classic or SNES JRPGS but it is nice games like this are being attempted in the 2020s.

Such an opportunity to make a great statement and falls real short. PCs design and music was stand out. Battle system, while flawed and not explained well, kept me going until it the game finishes (thankful for the short run time). The story is pretty weak. Not a bunch going on then we get expo dumps with a huge one at the end. Underwhelming. Tries to be trigger without the heart or engaging, easily understood combat. So many reused assets and the snow setting has everything looking the same already.

Beautiful game. Art and music slapped. Not sure I understood the journey but I liked it and the length.

Incredible game. Huge improvement on all fronts from the first. Little long in the third act though the journey and ending banged.

A fine mid-tier entry game. Really enjoyed the game's length. The story was engaging with gameplay not being anything innovative but that isn't always necessary. I enjoyed it despite epic games fucking up my save file. I didn't even get to use the cool end game power. I look forward to the sequel.

Fine platforming. Little jank and lesser explanation of what happened. See you in the sequel

Main game and iki island complete on directors cut. No legends attempted.

Gameplay loop was fun and engaging. As with most open world games there is too much padding with random side quests and exploration needs to see what the game has to offer.

Game is not user friendly. Difficult to know where you are going without a guide and does not give good direction to where you should do next. The weapon and outfit system while fun is very time consuming. The platforming is awful and story not above cliched. I forced myself through the end as this was a game I had as a kid and wanted to complete.