everything about this game is perfect, you lose yourself through James (main protagonist). feeling as lost as him, through the whole atmosphere of the game and the good soundtrack. all endings are thought out very well and treated with care. there’s not much else to say other than its literal perfection, every area you explore, maria and angela well written characters. ALSO great replayability!

personally i find this underrated. The visuals were superb and seemed fitting for the vibe of the game. The choice of being evil and good is consistent with coles character throughout the plot.

That being said however, there were questionable plotlines through the game's story. That either seemed unfitting or badly written.

I feel like my experience of this game would've been better if it was co-op rather than playing alone. When playing any game from the resident evil franchise i admired the uniqueness of bosses, and some of these bosses just felt re-used (in the sense of similar mechanics) from the original RE4.

The plot was okay, characterization was eh (i do want more sheva tho☹️)Though all that being said, I liked the gameplay, as i believe it still stands up to this time.

At first I didn't really think it seemed like a proper silent hill game, but i definetly grew to like it the more i played it. Truly underrated, i got the escape ending.

The gameplay is questionable (in the sense of differing from 2-3), but the story and the creepy atmosphere carries throughout the game. It starts slow, but once you get past the first subway section it gets better. I grew to like Henry and Eileen as each moment passing, though i feel the antagonist writing was eh. Overall I do believe this is a silent hill game that deserves more recognition.

I enjoyed Jills character even more here, her dodge action was a bit challenging to do but i got the hang of it eventually. I loved the level designs, every boss fight with nemesis felt like i had to use different strategies yet i enjoyed the difficulty it gave .

Jills dialogue and voice acting is superb considering the time the game was developed. I thought the soundtrack was beautiful, and very fitting. i liked how the game had choices (which one impacted the ending only). I loved every puzzle (even the water puzzle) i felt like each one was unique to each its own. Overall i felt like it was perfect for me.

this was actually a decent port on my end, i had no problems, though i feel like crossplay between mobile and pc puts the game in a unbalanced position.

that being said, its still fun and a complete time killer like it was on mobile, prototype was AND still is my favourite gun

this game holds really strong in my heart, the themes it tackles such as loss and opening eyes reality, and is delved in deep throughout all episodes. It exposes greed and selfishness arises when in face of zombies, the real monsters aren’t those who are walkers but those who are filled with selfishness.

I felt as each episode progressed the characters developed. i also really liked the dynamics of lee and clementine, despite being her protector Lee always took in feedback from others on what he needed to do in order for clementine to survive .

i really enjoyed this to be fair, the added dodge mechanic is great. I feel like there’s a double sided opinion when i say it was short, like i wanted so much more from re3rm yet i enjoyed how short it was. it didn’t feel like it was dragging on which i liked. i did like nemesis encounters though most scenes felt scripted , i wished there more of him chasing you around similar to mr X which would’ve created a greater horror atmosphere.

the art style is unique, plot is decent, music was a vibe. i enjoyed the plot twist. though some of the dialogue is a bit cringe, and unnecessary and i feel like overall it’s forgettable.

games easily forgettable, though i felt Petra carried.

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tbh i first initially had a bad opinion on this game because when i was using keyboards the bindings felt very clunky. since when i have a controller i really did love the swinging mechanics and combos, HOWEVER despite playing on the second hardest mode i still found the game to be too easy as it just felt repetitive like objectives around the map, i felt like the side quests that i did were a waste of time. i found myself getting bored and it felt useless as it gave no insight on peter/spiderman that we didn’t know already. that being said i still believe this is a 3.5 because i think it tackles peters character even more than the films. where peter had to chose the people over his needs, was laid out with really well.

i don’t know how they made one of the greatest survival horror games of all time even better, improved gameplay mechanics and story/character wise made more sense (we got more of a back story of how leon became an DSO Agent) . expanded on the current lore whilst adding new monsters, improved krausers knife fight, making it seem more than just QTE.. i felt Ashley was more difficult than the original which is good, because id just hid her and call her when i cleared out everyone. Though a major improvement from the original, the chapters were embedded perfectly. it did remove some of leons iconic lines which would stand up for the original but id say its more fitting for leons character in the remake timeline to behave as he did.

I loved every moment of it from the start to the end. Every boss fight felt unique, and required unique strategies to defeat every boss. Baldur was clearly my favourite boss to defeat as he is a great antagonist behind his writing.

But if im being honest every character was written well in the game, i loved Atreus and Kratos' father and son dynamic develop throughout the game. It gets you right in the feels haha.

Also i definitely recommend psn exclusives should be played on a controller rather than keyboard to get a better experience.

this is by far my one of my favourite resident evil instalments . though i used to find the fixed cameras hard to control, i got used to it and it really fitted in well the mansion atmosphere in this. i enjoyed the puzzles, the different endings, characters. EVEN the door animations, just feed into the tense surroundings.

Its fun overall, it aligns perfectly with the main story. Though it doesnt expand on it as much i would've hoped to see , just some retelling in ada's perspective.