boy, what a experince.

the thing with games like this is that i love them for being great story games from the opening sequence to the endgame. i sat and just played this game's story for an entire day, and was glad i wasnt done with it there and then.

my favorite part of games like this is always going for the open world stuff post story as i just love exploring the worlds that the games have to offer.

I hated this game when it first came out as it wasn't the assassins creed I loved and vowed never to play any future games after this. but then mirage happend and everyting changed....

so here we are 5 years later and I loved every moment of getting the platinum for this game. i still dont think its the best of the series but we move on, the DLC perfectly continues on the story of the game. i actully got all 94 trophies as i did the main game and 100% the DLC trophies too.

i will forever love assassins creed.

In all honsesty, I love this game and it will always be in my top 10 games. the story is brilliant, the ending is a action packed shoot out. this is the prefect mafia game that i've played.

the 100% requirements seemed like a lot but they where quite chill once you got round to doing them instead of putting them off.

i loved ray liotta's performance as tommy and may he be remberd forever.

Now, I love all 3 of the spider man games made by insomniac. However this game has something I really don't like even in other forms of media and not just games....

Kraven was built up from the start as this unstoppable beast of a man, who will destory anyone in his path of his final hunt. And what it is I don't like is how in the final act of the game the villian switches to venom who's only build up to this point was being a symbiote and him starting to take over Peter. Sure do the black suit it's an iconic look for spider man, but the thing that bugs me is sometimes in that final act venom feels kinda rushed and out of place with the story, likes it's been a very grounded storyline upto that point but then this giant alien comes in and takes over the city.

I love the venom charcter and hope the rumors of a venom video game are true and that in that game they introduce my boy Eddie brock as the new venom host.

When I first played this I loved the game and it honstly made me want to go back and expirence the older games of the franchise, however having now looked back the game, it's very repetitive in its gameplay and story missions.

It's almost like ac 1 just slap a new lead charcter and setting on the game and bingo there's your remaster. I hope they do dlc for this game or at least continue basims storyline somehow even if he's not the main charcter of the next game (i.e. supporting role like in valhalla)

This game surprised me, Having played the second game first I kind of knew what was to expect but boy was I wrong.

This game captures south park and references the show a bit more then what the fractured but whole does. From an 8 bit "blame canda" theme playing at a certian part of the map (no spoilers here!) In a reference to the 1999 film. And either posters or dialogue from buddy's that go back to previous episodes.

Whilst the fractured but whole has a better combat system (in my opinion), this games combat fit what it was trying to be. I went for the platinum for this game and fell short because of one missed collectable (I'm going to replay the game from that moment to get the last trophy).

Onwards to the next adventure for me but to quote the fractured but whole "DUDE! YOUR TAKE ON RPG WAS DATED!" - kyle

I realt enjoyed this game more this time then the first time I tried to play it back in 2017.

I really like the sylens character the most in the story (r.i.p lance reddick) he's just so interesting to me more then anyone else. I'm really looking forward to the netflix adaptation to see how they handle it with how the design of the world and the machines.

Overall I'm looking forward to where this story goes.

Honstly, better then I thought it would be, as a recent fan of the TV series I wanted to check both games out and will get round to stick of truth soon but wanted to play this first as I wanted to see how south park takes shots at the mcu and other superhero franchises.

I have also earned this platinum trophy for the game. My final trophy was to fight and beast Morgan Freeman. But the most fun trophy was the economic level trophy as its pruley based on luck during the mini game.

One of my new favourite games.

wow, what a return to my childhood! i grew up playing the little big planet games and this game took me back to those days. honestly the stars in this game are amazing such as Richard e grant as vex and dawn french as scarlet.

i have yet to play the bonus levels and the knitted knights trials but other then that i think this is a great family fun game! and honestly i want a sequel i mean it was teased but i dont vex should be the villain again.

I like this game for its story however I feel as if it misses something with the plot being a bit short and only 10 missions long and things never get explained that I wanted to be explained as a player. I enjoy the game's combat style and puzzles. Ultimately I think this game may have a very limited time left on my shelf but I still want the platinum trophy for the game as I have over half the trophies already