One of the first games I ever played, and I got lost all the time lol. Very fun experiment in nonlinear Kirby

Honestly a much cooler atmosphere and tone than the other games in the series. Unfortunately, the gameplay couldn't keep my attention for that long.

Makes me happy <3 but also hurts my back when I play for too long, which happens a lot lol

Flawed but charming. Sometimes you need a little power trip to keep yourself going.

Its story is a noticeable step down from BW1 but I think it makes up in the gameplay department. One of the best national dexes ever, an expanded and changed world, several endgame battle facilities and modes...a HARD mode (although it's super tedious to obtain) - this game is the one where I'm most reluctant to delete my save file.

let this dev team take over sonic, they knocked it out of the park. all we need now are more new levels. also, Tee Lopes is a genius.

This game makes me so upset. The worst part is that I knew this was coming. We never needed Sinnoh remakes to begin with - Platinum holds up well, as opposed to Red and Blue which absolutely needed to be fixed. I wish this game didn't exist.

Second best story in the series, behind Sun and Moon. It was super cool and ambitious for them to have an all new dex of pokemon. The gym leaders had personality, there was dynamic music, and it's just a great time.

Not nearly enough new content. Still a good base game, but the fact that we had to pay extra for an actual good story mode? And the fact that salmon run was restricted to certain times for seemingly no reason?

Still good, but vastly overrated. Worst story in the series (I dare you to give me the name of the new boss of team rocket. you can't.), awful encounter tables on each route, horrible gym teams with bad variety, the worst champion in the series, most new pokemon were locked behind the postgame, bad level curve, the list goes on. It's not the worst game in the series and has its highs (furret my beloved) but there is so much to dislike whenever I come back to this game.

I made a drawing where I killed santa

JFA, particularly Franziska's personal story, is a story that grew on me immensely. Aside from 2-1 which is completely irrelevant in every way, all of the cases (yes, even Big Top) thematically contribute to the intertwining plots. On one hand, Phoenix is wavering over his ability to make people's lives better by finding the truth, as he is awarded with increasingly bitter rewards upon successfully defending his clients. The other plot concerns the pervasive sibling rivalry between Franziska and Miles.

Franziska's contempt for Phoenix parallels in Mimi's anger towards Dr. Grey, and Acro's resentment of Regina. She blames Phoenix for "Proecutor Miles Edgeworth Chooses Death," and the intertwining plot threads masterfully culminate in Farewell, My Turnabout.

Franziska's win in court that she so desperately desires is stripped of her, as she gets shot in the shoulder just as her father was. Adrian Andrews' resentment against the culprit once again parallels Franziska's own troubles, and subsequently feels attached to the prosecutor. Phoenix and Miles, have come so far themselves, and the entire case shows how the plot threads throughout the game can excel even in the midst of logic issues (2-3) and filler (2-1), so long as the overarching narrative themes are sound.

The lack of map was a huge turnoff and I overall just couldn't get into it like I can with metroid...idk maybe I'll come back to it someday

Definitive version of one of the best Zelda games ever. All that was missing from Majora's mask were a couple more dungeons. The soundtrack is great and the sidequests were incredibly memorable. This piece of media reflects on the struggles of death and anxiety in such a remarkable way. It cannot be understated how important this game is.