would be so much better if I didn't play with the notoriously awful joy-cons

I spent way too much time playing this considering how bad it is lmfao

Way more meat on its bones than you would think. It proves that there is more than just a simple arcade experience to be found with the classic DK style of gameplay. I wish we got more of it.

I'm bad at this game, so don't take my opinion too seriously, but after going to Rise I can't go back. I hate throwing paintballs, loading zones, and the overall inaccessible nature of this title. It is absolutely not pick-up-and-play friendly and is a horrible gateway for newcomers to the series.

Shoehorned motion controls with no option for classic/gamecube controller was this game's fatal flaw. Otherwise super charming. It basically taught me everything about baseball when I was a kid and I love the story mode so much.

I still think smooth moves is a tiny bit better but this is very much up there. Such a lovely title

I can't believe I played this as a kid lmfao

Super brainless but seeing the variety of characters from different games is decent eye candy

Honestly feels too hard. Maybe I just suck but the Wii version looks way more accessible to me.

I know this series has a lot of love but this failed to hold my attention

PEAK warioware. By far the best game to make use of the Wii's motion controls. Full of personality and very replayable. I come back to this game a ton and always have a blast.


Very cool character design but its reliance on motion controls and its lack of content made it destined to be forgotten.

Haven't played it in a while, but it felt underwhelming.

Probably my favorite game in the main Mega Man series. It just feels good with out the BS of any of the older games. Plus the upgrade shop!

Edit: I'm bumping it up another half star because I forgot how great Galaxy Man's music is