Always amazes me to see games that push the medium (in this case, in storytelling) even after 20 years of gaming

It's Halo. I've been playing since 2001, I'm just happy to be here. Is it flawed, yes. Do I care? Not really, I'm just glad both this and Halo 3 exist.

Loved Limbo, this is even better.

Loved this game a lot. It has such a unique vibe and it really has that 6th generation charm. Too bad that it crashed on my Series X and I lost 3 hours of progress, but I had no problem redoing that because I was enjoying myself so much. It's a simple game with a lot of heart and I see why it's a cult classic.

Wanted to play this one for a while. I thought the story was good but the presentation was really lacking at points. Towards the end especially, pacing got thrown off and cutscenes seemed cobbled together. Overall though, I was pretty compelled with the world activities and gameplay so it was a pretty good time.

I was surprised by how much I liked the campaign here. The original Modern Warfare had some great action and was generally considered the gold standard for single player in the franchise.

The reboot here revamps the gameplay in an exciting way. Although the core is the same, bombastic setpieces and terrorist agendas, the gameplay is a lot more tactical and focused.

I found it much more engaging than fighting off thinly-veiled waves of enemies, and there's some great missions here that are pretty unique to the series. Genuinely surprised I enjoyed this as much as I did.


Comfort game. Worth exploring and taking in the world. The cat antics really make the puzzles/little environmental challenges fun to solve.

I can see why this is so highly regarded, but it definitely shows its' age. The combat is pretty mediocre, but something about the series is just so appealing, I couldn't really put it down. It's such a unique take on the RPG tropes that I have to respect it.

Has a strong and bombastic start but the campaigns for MW1 and 2 are easily better. Felt like even though it was WW3 the scope was small.

Always been interested in this game for some reason. I think it's pretty admirable to try and cut out a coherent story from the Lost Planet mythos, but mostly this is just okay. It has ambitions but sits pretty squarely in the "AA" camp. I didn't hate it, just nothing spectacular. Decent to chill with on the weekend.