This game was truly a beauty and a hidden gem.
It was surprisingly difficult at the beginning, almost frustrating to challenge enemies that felt incredibly stronger than you.
I played this game in "spirit guide mode" and playing it, felt really like you were growing up as a guide, mastering the skills and the new abilities.
Graphics were spectaculars.
Lore in this game is also incredibly well done.
this subtle theme that changing is needed, that fighting something bigger than you always brings consequences, that being together is stronger than being alone and that pain is necessary, although also maddening, were all interesting themes.
I decided to not master it (or achieve 100%) cause honestly, navigating on this world was like getting lost in a maze.
the lack of a minimap made the "exploration" even more frustrating for me, as i was hitting dead ends and getting lost on the same roads.
Boss figths went from frustrating and challenging, to graphically beautiful and i honestly felt a bit sad to beat these guys.
they killed me a lot, but fighting them was one of the most amazing gaming experiences i ever had this far.

in conclusion:
if you're looking for a game where you want to strategize more than just smashing buttons, this game is for you.

Heavy story, with lots left to interpretation.
Nice point and click game that had very interesting puzzles.
I wish it had more of a resolution to the this story, but also... the fact that it doesnt really have an ending, leaves you this sense of emptiness, making you a witness of the sad stuff poor Emily, had to go through.

How NOT parenting.
Although the idea behind it was nice and cute, the execution was awful in terms of plot.
it got boring... incredibly boring and repetitive at times.
it's a fully co-op game and that's really appreciated as I personally adore to share my gaming time with someone dear.
Characters were stupid, plot was really the stupidest thing they could have come up with and i'd recommend picking other games if you want to have a nice time. This is just awful.

The best 3,5h gameplay I've ever had on a mobile game

cute game about hitting boss with gardening tools.
nice laughs c:

This one is a nice and original gameplay, that somehow managed to get boring in some parts.
It got repetitive and maybe it would have been nicer to have these "boss-fights" to be faster.
But regardless of that, story was very nice. Ending unexpected.
I'd still recommend this to anyone who's willing to play with a keyboard only.

I love puzzle games, i love puzzles, and i loved how cocoon managed to mix it all so well, with ambientation, boss fights and all.
it was almost perfect.
I didnt like this ending... it felt weird. and unsatisfactory.
and it was a bit redundant to switch worlds constantly to get one orb rater than another.
but visually speaking it was nice.
i expected better from these creators being honest.

cute but, it felt a bit frustrating and repetitive at times
I loved the DLC more. way way more

Frustrating, buggy.
I liked the idea of translating something that's only for oral tradition, into something like a videogame, but that's where the problem is. it's something of a videgame. Couldnt enjoy one bit sadly.

It's a cute puzzle game, very childlike and very easy to get lost into. it gets repetitive and you've gotta run around a lot...
but once you learn you can literally put anything your sticker book, the real challenge is fitting everything in there.
it's cute, nothing much really.

It was boring and it wanted really specific way to resolve the riddles... I get it, I like to think about outside of the box as well, but you cant force me to do things in a set order and not give me hint that the specific thingy needs to get on the cat back and all...

Overall a super nice puzzle platform.
I loved the story and how much of depth you could find.
It resonated with me a lot more that was probably intended, but i dont mean it in a bad way, quite the contrary.
We all should be learn to make friends with ourselves and become one again, like our two main characters here try to do.

Yeah... maybe at a point i'll get back to this.
The only nice thing it got in my 2hs of gameplay was the climbing stairs animation.

This review contains spoilers

As someone who loves plots revolving around character and their growth, i absolutely hated and loathed this game.
They destroyed so many characters and their growth from part 1.
Abby's part was absolutely amazing to play, dont get me wrong.
Gameplay wise and the open world was a big step from part 1, but still... It wouldnt justify how frustrating to play this game felt.
this ending was horrible, forcing the player Ellie's deranged choices, only for her to end up losing everything, it was just terrible.
there could have been so many different ways everything could have been written, it simply doesnt stand anywhere close to part 1