June, 2024



Started the game this afternoon, scared of how big the game actually is - I guess I’ll finally find out. Stupidly, I accidentally started the Discovery Mode and almost took a tour I wasn’t expecting to take.

Started the main campaign and really enjoyed the Spartan battle, but it was a bit too much to take in all at once. I’m glad that the modern-day storyline is still in the AC games - it’s the story I appreciate, but sadly it seems to take a back seat a lot. As recommended by 99% of the Internet, I chose Kassandra over Alexios, not only because I can’t switch back but because the AC games have mostly always been dudes, so I wanted something different this time.

I didn’t realize I had purchased a bunch of DLC with the game, I have 12 swords, heavy blunts, heavy bladed, staffs and spears to start with - and that’s only the weapons. 5 complete suits of armor are also in my inventory, I suppose I’m going to start overpowered, and that’s fine with me. Looks like I’m going to run around Ancient Greece in Ezio’s clothes and weapons. :)

I’ve noticed choices in the character dialogue, I like this addition to the game as sometimes that conversations get super dry. Final thought: Markos is an asshole, but I love him for some reason. Also, I forgot how nice the ‘fast travel’ system is in modern AC games - hopping on your noble steed and saying ‘ride here’ provides a nice little view of all of Greece as you ride by, discovering little places here and there (or updating a journal entry, or google searching that AC: O runs at 60fps on PS5 while only 30fps on PS4/PS4 Pro).



Picked up at Chapter 14 and after a major plot event, I’m without weapons and ‘hunting’ like in the first 2 games using stealth and now poison weapons. I really enjoy this part of the game over than the platforming because this is a bit more ‘die until you figure it out’ and less ‘look for the white paint to proceed’. The story has gotten a bit darker as well, I guess because of the aforementioned plot twist. Thankfully, that darkness only lasted about a chapter before things got a bit brighter as we enter San Juan.

At this point, I’ve given exactly zero cares about side missions and loot gathering, I am on a rocket flying to the credits since the story has seemed to ramp up significantly. To my surprise, there is a ‘point of no return’ that disables fast travel until the story campaign is complete, so completionists have a chance to 100% all of the areas if they wanted to.

The final mission and the final fight was sweaty; the environment, music, and gameplay elements were immensely satisfying. The story ending was fitting and made perfect sense.




Started the game tonight; noticed immediately that the game looks absolutely amazing in high frame rate. I like the fact that the difficulty sliders have variations for puzzles, clues, and enemy AI, though I decided to keep everything on normal. Game looks and feels like the other two previous Tomb Raider games, but that's a very good thing. Story seems super hokey, but that's one of the charming things about this gritty reboot of the series.


May, 2024





Started / Finished

April, 2024


Started / Finished

March, 2024

February, 2024

January, 2024



Not playing Hotline Miami 2. Got my fill with Hotline Miami 1.
