play these games you dumb bitch (me, to myself)

i made this before i found out about the wishlist function now im in too deep

Milky Way Prince: The Vampire Star
Milky Way Prince: The Vampire Star
Titan Chaser
Titan Chaser
Gunple: Gunman's Proof
Gunple: Gunman's Proof
Chaos Galaxy
Chaos Galaxy
Cozy Grove
Cozy Grove
Star Control II
Star Control II
Don't Wake the Night
Don't Wake the Night
Bear's Restaurant
Bear's Restaurant
The Horror of Salazar House
The Horror of Salazar House
Subway Midnight
Subway Midnight
Sea Salt
Sea Salt
Fox and Frog Travelers: The Demon of Adashino Island
Fox and Frog Travelers: The Demon of Adashino Island
got some heavy ps2 horror vibes from this one, so i'm excited for this one
Door in the Woods
Door in the Woods
Magic Wand
Magic Wand
Mystic Ark
Mystic Ark
The Eternal Castle: Remastered
The Eternal Castle: Remastered
A Total War Saga: Troy
A Total War Saga: Troy
Lakeview Valley
Lakeview Valley
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny
Bubble People
Bubble People
The Good Life
The Good Life
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen
Twilight Syndrome Kyuumei-hen
Choo-Choo Charles
Choo-Choo Charles
Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2020
Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2020
Dungeon Encounters
Dungeon Encounters
"we closed our eyes and wrote everything down, thats when we realized they werent just dreams"

the opening screen of hardland prompts an active participation on the players part in understanding its world and narrative, emphasizing that it has no quest markers or active quest logs to guide you in any way, asking you to pour over every interaction, journal note and item description, every little nook and cranny that could hold the key to understanding the greater whole at the heart of this surreal fantasy world. holding itself as some kind of heavy puzzle adventure, should you have the dedication, which like, hell yeah sign me up!

so, fully bought into that pitch and down to clown, i went in with a physical notebook in hand and excavated every weird dream and location in the opening hours of the game with a fine tooth comb. but honestly, despite the opening disclaimers, the game doesnt seem that intense on that sort of thing like, at all? maybe im too early in the game to like, appreciate the scope of it all or something, but it seems more the kind of game where you run around as a weird little guy with a sword and hit mobs of little monsters with it, idk i kinda bounced off it after that. i plan to go back eventually with adjusted expectations, but man, kinda a bummer, to me, personally, imo,,,

but anyways, check out Scott Benson's Top 10 Games of 2019 on Giant Bomb to read about the appropriate way to appreciate this weird little game in the way that it actually is


2 years ago

hey you should play these games you dumb bitch

2 years ago

unfortunately that idea's currently on indefinite hiatus, please refer to my other list for details:

1 month ago

You made this list many years ago. So I am obliged to ask: have you played any of these games?

1 month ago

thats a fair question lol. i just went down this list and did a tally. i played 20 of them, and out of those 20, i finished like, 11

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