The kind of game where moving around feels so good, something is missing when you play a different game and can't yo-yo boost anymore. Probably the best of this type of indie game once you get used to the unique controls.

The controls will take time to get used to, but they work and are designed well. I expect many will say the controls are "unfair" the same way people complained about Souls games a decade ago, but if you stick with it you will do great.

We love gambling, don't we folks?

Exactly what you'd expect. I bet the Saturn would have been able to produce a great port of Hot Wheels Stunt Track Driver.


Unorthodox indie metroidvania that stands out even more today after the genre has become oversaturated. A nice time capsule for late-2000's/early-2010's Gamer humor.

more of the same. give it a try but know this is a very niche game.

Probably the best persona game? Good music not too much fluff.

Let Nintendo's lawyers smite them for the crime of making us have to pretend to care about this dookie dog shit. Will people even care about this game enough to read this review several days from now? Who knows.

You gotta give it up for DJTJ.

The worst game that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end. Next Gen gaming.

The best effort Gamefreak has made since the game boy advance. The team star section and characters are horrible but the rest is incredible. Violet is worse then Scarlet because the dinosaur Pokémon are cooler.

All the great parts of Scarlet and Violet but more focused. Very good story.

Metal Gear Solid 2

From what I understand, it's pretty obvious Kojima wasn't allowed to make the game he wanted with Sons of Liberty due to pressure from Konami and then because of 9/11. Kojima apparently won an inner power struggle after fans hated Sons of Liberty, because Snake Eater covers the same themes but much better done. The stealth is a little more difficult in this one which holds it back, but that might just be a skill issue for me.

Metal Gear Solid: Gamer Matrix Edition

A remake of Metal Gear Solid 2 with worse vibes and tech demo first person stuff. I gotta imagine this was incredible in 2001 but has aged worse than Metal Gear Solid.

A lot of the emotional beats fall flat both because they center around Raiden who is a loser. For some reason (budget?) most of the story is told through codec conversations which are boring and look worse than they did in the PS1 games. It's not horrible but it's a shame because the story was a strength of the first game.

In this world of phoney baloney scientists and lying fat cats, you can only trust a true badass operator to get the job done.