steve is my favorite character in ultimate because he makes ultimate players cry. why does this game have minimum 6f input lag with the best possible controller and display. why does is the input lag doubled online. why is it faster to play with a wireless controller than a wired one. why is the buffer system like that. why can't you do any of the fun movement stuff from melee. why did nintendo market this game as a competitive experience. why can't you dashdance. why is steve literally just a rivals of aether character. why did they make samus like that. why is hero even in the game. why do people play this game. why, god. why.

4.5 stars for the gameplay, minus a star and a half for the god awful dialogue and mediocre story, but plus one star for letting me skip it

this is the only platform fighter to come close to touching melee, rivals kinda suffers from a lack of manpower and foresight to what it would become (the pixel art style is hard to read, babydashing is difficult to the point of semi-controller dependency, edgeguarding can either be dynamic and engaging or a rinse-and-repeat slog, the game is pretty well balanced but certain matchups are VERY one sided) but you can play as a lightsaber cat with time-stopping tippers so i literally couldn't give less of a shit.

if u need me to tell u why u need to play this game, stop reading right now and play it cuz the more blind u go in the better. im so glad i was able to experience a pacifist run without being spoiled back in 2015, i was too much of a lil bitch baby gamer weakling to beat undyne so i only just did a genocide run but this game still holds up so well. music bangs too idk how (mostly) one guy programmed, wrote, and composed a game this good thats wild to me

best story in any video game, and the care they've put in while porting it to PC isn't unnoticed. i was sold when you had to reach over across your keyboard and press L to fix your flashlight sometimes, mirroring the actions of your player character in the real world is such a small addition but SO FUCKING COOL.

the only game that rivals melee in terms of cultural depth, history, passion, and solid gameplay fundamentals to hold it all up.

this would be the best game of all time if nintendo didn't make it

if the fact that this game has a dedicated playerbase over 22 years after it's release keeping it alive like some sort of frankenstein's monster against it's creator's will couldn't sell you on the fact that it's the best game of all time, i don't know what could. watch zain vs mango at summit 11, watch amsa vs mew2king at kings of cali 4, watch fallen and moky's clips on twitter, and then come back and download slippi.

this is the best speedrunning game of all time and its not close. difficulty in all it's forms is approached perfectly- it's hard as shit when you're new but never punishing, deaths are plenty but don't set you back very far so you never feel defeated or angry. it controls amazingly, ive played this game for like 600+ hrs and never had a death that i felt i didn't deserve (not counting modded content). the difficulty scales when you start getting better as well, the difficulty curve for the game as you play it for the first time feels well thought out and smooth, but beyond that learning to speedrun the game feels very easy. movement tech is snappy, intuitive, and reads well (except for ultras but those weren't dev intended and are never required for basic low-mid level speedruns) and all the (dev intended) shortcuts are extremely rewarding to find and there are very few run-killer moments throughout the game.

i talked a lot abt speedrunning cuz thats my main interaction with celeste, but the peripheral stuff is good too. i think some of the dialogue is kinda corny but it's got a good story, beautiful music and art (ESPECIALLY in chapter 9), and the most solid, polished, jank-slash-glitch-free gameplay i've ever experienced in any videogame.