played it on 3ds years ago and replayed it on nso, extra mode made me feel rot but i liked the game generally, was really cute :]

one of the best games ive ever played like actually, the fact that it's only half of what was intended to be released is insane because unless you're really looking for places that could have been expanded it is so fufilling i cant reccomend it enough everyone play this game i beg you do it for me

it was cool i still have to do extra mode and it was fun and i liked the art and the mini games fun game i think

dont really know how to log this since i played the pixel remaster, was really good though. i think the story was a little bare but it has replayablility with the different builds you can do for your jobs even if it's not the most complex system. liked the pixel art on the enemies and battle backgrounds too !

I still don't know which one is palom and which one is porom


dark matter when i fucking GET him

100%'d her on switch after not having played it in ages, holds up very well, honestly has made me rethink where i'd place it on my rankings. before i considered it not as good as 2 but honestly it has such a unique feel that the others don't capture that makes it hard to say it's better or worse than 2 or 3

i have at least 100 hours in this game

I really really like it and see why it's so beloved but I think I dont like how disconnected all the modes are between each other but I think that's just because I'm kinda marathoning these games and got stuck on the arena for too long 😭😭