i must kill my elders 😈
also, can we talk about how much the game icon SLAPS?!

this woman did not have a good 158 years

Played this on coolmathgames and I got to say, not bad! The sprites are very cute and it's overall a calm city simulation. I like the futuristic story behind it, as I'm a sucker for science fiction narratives. Will I play more of it? Not sure. Does it, though, make me feel slightly better about life? For sure.
(However, I get it if some find games like this mad boring).

truly one of the games of all time

Everyone asks "Where's Waldo?" but no one ever asks "How's Waldo?" 😔

Y'know, this game could actually be symbolism for how toxic Santa's workshop actually is. Most probably envision it as this joyful, happy place of industry where all the elves are jovial and giddy when making toys. But Elf Bowling showcases the dichotomy, and implies that the elves are bowling pins for Santa Claus to throw bowling balls at his very will. Presumably, this is one of the forms of torture he utilizes when the elves are slacking off. This could also be a form of entertainment whenever he gets bored of watching his marionettes perform elf labor all year round. Or maybe, it's all just a metaphor for the ill-treatment the elves experience on a daily basis, with Saint Nick not physically torturing them but loading them with work that hits them like a bowling ball, to which they squeal in pain and immediately topple over (as an act of surrendering to anguish they cannot fight against).

anyways the game is okay I guess

Don't think I forgot about you having romantic relations with that blue-haired human girl, Ben. One of these days, I will find you and I will put you down, Ben. Just you wait old man

This game has been ingrained into me so many years ago, and will never leave my body for as long as I live. Obviously, gacha heat has turned this children's app into a outlet to showcase basically porn, but look past that for one second. Those "hated child becomes a hybrid princess" videos were ahead of their time.

the game controls are like the worst things ever, and it's literally impossible to get first place because of that. I don't like monster energy drinks and this game made me realize that I REALLY don't like like monster energy drinks

Game's a little overrated, I believe. It got so much hype during quarantine but now it's kinda fell off the radar. If you have 5-6 friends, this game will for sure be a crazy, yet fun and compelling, ride.

Oh Roblox... you will always have a place in my heart, no matter how many updates you do.

- very satisfying when you get a goal
- game is scripted well (for the most part)
- fun to play
- there are 0 rockets to be found
- player base is a cesspool of toxicity
Note: This game is literal rage fuel and offers the largest skill gaps I have ever seen in a competitive game. It also a hundred percent feeds off of the blaming of oneself.

Played this with my cousin. It was his turn with the controller during Slime Climb. A few moments into the round, and he accidentally walked into the slime, thus killing us. He ragequitted immediately afterwards and proceeded to play some bad-looking basketball game.
that was great

bubsy please for once shut the hell up i'm trying to play

this game scratches my brain in a good way.
peak adventure game with a lot of whimsical fun waiting to be had.