I remember finishing this back in '20. I liked it! It was sweet, and was an okay difficulty. I don't get why so many people hate it -- it's not that bad! I also really like Kirby's victory dance in this game... the tune is nice. Just wish the levels had more to them.

Pretty good platform fighter. It is for sure way more polished than its previous iterations, and it has a good variety of characters that each have their own unique moves and KOs. My one nitpick has to be the fact that some characters are kind of annoying to play against/play as. It's still extremely fun and I usually find myself playing it whenever I'm bored.

ngl back then i sucked badly at this game lmao

remember when kids channels milked this crap like crazy?
anywho, the game isn't bad at all. the songs are alright for the most part, and the controls are pretty easy to get used to. some problems i found with it is one, it's really short and two, i kinda expected a bit more from the songs themselves.
i'm not returning to play this though teehee

Sweet little game. It is sort of a downstep from previous animal crossing games, but the graphics are well done and I like how they give you more freedom here as in the topic of building and sculpting the island. The villagers seem like sentient puppets that you just wring items from sometimes, usually devoid of any other personality trait other than overly kind for no reason at all.
also tom nook give me back my dabloons you capitalistic turd

Would've costed one buck but my brain decided it was okay to waste some of my points on this game to make it free. It starts off promising, but it gets repetitive almost immediately, and there's an extremely unfair difficulty spike that comes out of nowhere. I can see someone enjoying this arcade-like game, but it didn't work on me.

this game scratches my brain in a good way.
peak adventure game with a lot of whimsical fun waiting to be had.

bubsy please for once shut the hell up i'm trying to play

Played this with my cousin. It was his turn with the controller during Slime Climb. A few moments into the round, and he accidentally walked into the slime, thus killing us. He ragequitted immediately afterwards and proceeded to play some bad-looking basketball game.
that was great

- very satisfying when you get a goal
- game is scripted well (for the most part)
- fun to play
- there are 0 rockets to be found
- player base is a cesspool of toxicity
Note: This game is literal rage fuel and offers the largest skill gaps I have ever seen in a competitive game. It also a hundred percent feeds off of the blaming of oneself.

Oh Roblox... you will always have a place in my heart, no matter how many updates you do.

Game's a little overrated, I believe. It got so much hype during quarantine but now it's kinda fell off the radar. If you have 5-6 friends, this game will for sure be a crazy, yet fun and compelling, ride.

the game controls are like the worst things ever, and it's literally impossible to get first place because of that. I don't like monster energy drinks and this game made me realize that I REALLY don't like like monster energy drinks

This game has been ingrained into me so many years ago, and will never leave my body for as long as I live. Obviously, gacha heat has turned this children's app into a outlet to showcase basically porn, but look past that for one second. Those "hated child becomes a hybrid princess" videos were ahead of their time.

Don't think I forgot about you having romantic relations with that blue-haired human girl, Ben. One of these days, I will find you and I will put you down, Ben. Just you wait old man