Owned and played this as a kid but never beat it. Felt nostalgic and decided to give it a go again. Ended up 100% it and getting all the zoo animals even!

While not a perfect game by any means, it ended up having the same vibes as Jak and Daxter. Except in Jak and Daxter's case, they ended up getting more games to continue the story. No such luck for Kya, which is a shame especially given the cliffhanger and there having obviously been more planned for future games.

Still, the studio behind the game isn't dead (though it is funny that they mostly just make racing games, with their newest release being a checks notes smurf kart racer), and they celebrated the game's 20th Anniversary with a stream, so there is still hope of some kind of re-release, even if we'll never get a continuation of Kya's story.

Then again, they were also purchased by a blockchain/crypto company, so maybe not. :( Free them.

Very on the nose writing at times, and the chase sequences felt a lot like I was playing shattered memories in the sense that I barely knew where I was going and was just running around like a chicken with my head cut off. But other than that I had fun with it and I got to play it with my mom who is an old time silent hill fan and is the person who got me into the series.

And really what else matters at the end of the day. Also it's free.

I am but a cog in the never ending corporate machine. Easily replaceable.

Also I think the bracken's just a little bit in love with me.

An incredibly pretty game but an incredibly short experience. Thought about buying it because I saw it was on sale on steam, but then I realized it was free currently with Amazon Prime Gaming so I went that route instead. Which I'm thankful for because while I enjoyed the beautiful story and art, the game is ultimately about an hour to an hour and a half long.

I don't regret playing it thought! While I can't recommend it for the gameplay (it is incredibly simple with its puzzles), I can definitely recommend it for the melancholy story and gorgeous art and animation.

An incredibly charming and pretty game with fun characters. I had a lot of fun with it and its unique sense of storytelling. It was fun trying to piece the story together through the different routes and seeing how it all culminated.

Definitely felt like there was more to the story we were missing and some loose ends that never got wrapped up, but otherwise a good experience!

Very fun and cute puzzle game. Tried to make as many characters as I could in the puzzles gay because that's just who I am as a person.

Absolutely phenomenal game for an april fools game! As a long time sonic fan who just enjoys the characters and their interactions, I loved all the conversations and jokes. The development team really put their all into the art and writing. I loved also just being tails' assistant, anything for you tails!!!

I also loved the mc, they were very cute and an anxious mess who doesn't have their life together and just pairing them up with the incredible sonic cast lead to so many funny jokes and moments. Everyone was also very Stylin' in their outfits.

But also fuck the minigame at the end. Even as someone who s-ranked all the stages in frontiers including 1-2, I'm bad at games, why would you do this to me.

I had incredibly high expectations going into this. RE4 is a classic, and you know what? Those expectations were met. Loved the expansions on Ashely and Luis character and while the camp was def toned down compared to the original, Leon still had some really funny quips and the came wasn't Entirely Serious all the way through.

Incredibly fun, even if during my playthrough I was constantly struggling with ammo because of how bad I am.

While my least favorite so far of all the Trails entries I've played (from the first trails in the sky to azure), it still felt at its core felt like a trails game, just upscaled. I also know that the first games in a series are generally the weakest of each arc since it's all about setting up the big conflict of the games, so I'll cut it some slack there.

I will say it was fascinating seeing what was happening in erebonia during the conflict in crossbell, and seeing the perspectives of teenagers raised in this military empire. Trails has never been a stranger to the idea of critiquing things like war or even racism, and it's something I've really appreciated about the series. I also liked how, with Gaius' character, the game straight up talked about how smaller neighboring countries and minorities are way more likely to feel the repercussions of war between 2 superpowers.

Anyways, the game definitely is far from my favorite, but I did appreciate several aspects of it and hope the following entries, like the other arcs, improve on it.

Another game played out of pure nostalgia since I used to own it on the dreamcast. Never got passed the second town area back then, so being able to finish and actually experience the full story was fun. Never played the first game, so I can't really compare the two, but overall I enjoyed it, even if the combat system gave me anxiety and I had to be really good with the timing.
It unfortunately is a product of its time and has some bad caricatures amongst some of the side characters, donut lips and all. Which really brings down a decent game. At least it ends in polyamory so there's that.

This game was recommended to me not just by my own friends but my dad as well, so I was delighted to try it out when he bought it for me during a steam sale.

As many people have said, it really does feel like you're being forced to play the card game from yugioh at gunpoint and honestly I wouldn't have it any other way. Truly a fun experience that definitely should be played with as little knowledge going into it as possible.

I will readily admit that I'm the type of sonic fan who has enjoyed many sonic games that people have called 'bad'. Which means, to me, Sonic Frontiers is truly one of the best sonic games I've ever played.

I truly loved the story and character writing. It feels like a true return to form after the sonic adventure games. I loved that this game also wasn't afraid to make references to past games, and that the characters actually felt like they were genuinely growing as people. The gameplay was incredibly fun and addictive, and I even S Ranked all cyberspace levels (yes even 1-2) even though I know most people consider those the weakest parts of the game.

I am an easily pleased sonic fan but this game really went above and beyond my expectations in every way.

A gorgeous puzzle game that was really pretty to behold and really had to rack my brain around to figure out some of the puzzles. Too bad I'm also too stupid to get the story outside of the basics of loss of innocence and looking back at your past mistakes always trying to think of how you could have fixed it/done better.

There is something very cozy about this game while also giving great Anxiety. Definitely a game that I'm sure hits home in a lot of different ways for many people, from the experience of figuring out your gender/being trans to abusive parents and having only your online friends for comfort while trying to help them with their problems as well. Short but impactful.

softly but with feeling what the FUCK