November, 2022


Started / Finished

Started / Finished

October, 2022


Started / Finished

September, 2022


Started / Finished

August, 2022




Like the document of MGS2, I believe that document-esque games (dlc, rather) should be sold or released more often. Though it does lack the 3d model viewer featured in the MGS2 document, it's definitely the best and most cohesive collection of MGS material.

Started / Finished


7h 12m


"what if we made superhot into a roguelike that was so monotonous and tedious to play through?"

That is this game.

This game has like 15 different maps and every "level" is just a RNGfest of "which maps are ya gonna get?" then throwing the player into whichever predetermined spawns the devs decided that the level would have. The progression is painstakingly boring and a lazy attempt at trying to take what was already working and hack up a half baked sequel.

Every single map you play in is "kill 7 enemies then go to the next level and maybe get an upgrade" and that's it, really fucking boring

Not too far into the game it devolves from a fun level crawler type game into some really frustrating shit where a level has you doing anywhere between a reasonable 4 maps to an absolutely despicable 7 (and on some occasions, more) maps per level. You lose on map 6? Get fucked kid go now you have to restart the ENTIRE level and go straight back to map 1. The levels have absolutely ZERO variation from each other as they all feature they same map pool, only alternating the amount of maps you complete in that given level, and some of the enemy spawns.

There's many genuine changes which would have seriously helped with the design of the original SUPERHOT but they take so many steps backwards you can only help but wonder what the fuck compelled them to make such a game in the first place.

Also that ending 💀💀💀💀💀💀 would've been cool if they did anything but that



8h 18m


it's a wonderful game but i feel like the level difficulty fluctuates too frequently, this led me to overthink often on some of the easiest levels as the game sends you from something requiring a serious amount of brainpower to a level that could be figured out in like 30 seconds.








I think more games should have a habit of selling documentary "games" like this, it's so fun going through all of the content in this library

Started / Finished


10h 39m

lost all of my data so i consider this playthrough abandoned