the beginning of the end for the assassin's creed franchise lol

I hear the ship stuff is a lot of fun but I got to that section and was like actually no fuck this LOL

(for the record, the first assassin's creed is my favourite game in the series... that should make me dropping this game make a lot of sense)

this game............... kinda sucked, tbh

I still played a decent amount of it though LOL rena my beloved


these reviews is how I found out this game got shut down, damn

I had fun shittin out orbs as that one class LOL -- my friends never really hopped on so I played solo and hopped in random parties n stuff which was a good way to kill time.

Hazelight has perfected their style of co-op games and this is exactly what I CRAVED out of a co-op experience.

While the narrative wasn't anything too standout, the better imo was the narrative that you develop as players and the attachments you form with the characters you control as well as the world you interact with. It's just so much fun to explore the creative levels and puzzle our way through mechanics, each one different from the last and engaging enough that both players always feel like they're contributing SOMETHING to the team.

I had loads of fun with their other game, A Way Out, and It Takes Two builds on that game in every way. Excited for the studio's future works!!

truly the mario kart game ever of my childhood

I remember cramming myself underneath the bed frame and eating absolute shit on the tracks lol I'm so ass at racing games and STILL AM...............


didn't like any of the characters LOL like I get that they're supposed to be messy but maybe I just can't relate to the pining aspect of it because god hasn't deigned it necessary to give me the ability to experience romantic attraction but also emily is like??? bro why is it my fault I didn't kiss you / didn't sleep with you lmfao ESPECIALLY THE LATTER ONE LIKE DAMN idk knowing the other side of the choices makes it seem like. nothing is good.

I GUESS I DIDN'T LIKE EMILY AND IT WAS ANNOYING TO HAVE TO PLAY AS A CHARACTER WHO HAS FEELINGS FOR HER LOL like emily has a life and so do you, protagonist!!! move on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

people made some crazy fucking shit in this game

me? I was lucky if my dude made it to the end of anything in one piece

I just remember hitting the fucking ball back and forth until it amassed enough speed to dilate time around it and become a blackhole

and then I'd whiff the timing and get blasted into the next timeline bro

b&w skin candyman my goat btw

I fucking suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck at these kinds of games but I was intrigued by the narrative so I just watched a let's play of it and got to have all the fun of the story with none of the "oh no, I forgot to check xyz oh god will I be able to feed my SICK STARVING COLD family?!?!" related stress

glory to arstotzka or whatever (NO)

also that bgm is stuck in my head I won't lie. I can still hear it even as I write this review.

Quite brain bending at times from what I remember, but I kinda wish there was a more intuitive way of switching between the colours -- having to cycle through each colour one at a time became tedious especially as more shit was introduced and sometimes you'd skip over the right colour/placement for a block and have to go through it all over again.

Cool concept, though. And the narrative, while largely in the background (okay, maybe LITERALLY in the background from what I remember) was engaging enough but it wasn't what I kept pushing through the game for, to be honest.

ok APPARENTLY this game was renamed to tails: noir at some point and despite the "duplicate" at the beginning of the game's listing here, I'd like to record that I played the demo... and was really, really intrigued. The demo ended just as it was getting good and I closely followed the development so I could play the release when it dropped... except I never got around to it.

Then the reviews started trickling in about the confusing ending and well, I never cared to pick up the final game after that LOL

Honestly? I wish I liked this game more. Conceptually it's really cool but something about it just didn't click for me. I don't really remember much, but I DO remember part of the reason why I dropped this game is what I am dubbing Roadwarden syndrome -- I want to play a game once and have a fulfilling experience. If I have to play multiple times just to get a complete experience, then I'll probably get overwhelmed and be unable to pick a path to move forward with.

My brain needs to be studied under a microscope or some shit. Normally player choice is celebrated and I haven't placed why it works in some games but not in others for me. I guess part of it is being tormented by the fact that I'm missing stuff (by design) and if I can't scratch that itch through recorded footage that has been uploaded online, then I'm not willing to put in the time/effort to spend more hours on an experience that should very well have been complete but ISN'T because ooh, choices!

Played during the free weekend that the game had and honestly I really enjoyed it. Perhaps it was the co-op aspect but it was fun strategizing with my sister and trying to puzzle out the best way to tackle a combat encounter.

Las I heard, it wasn't the most mechanically in-depth of games but I definitely want to pick this game up when it goes on sale

cool as hell concept that kinda tickles the same part of my brain that gnog did -- I liked fiddling with incomprehensible (in the eldritch, fleshy kind of way) tech and figuring out how stuff worked

the world

the world if this game was an offline singleplayer/co-op experience instead of a live service mmorpg

anyways, I had a lot of fun with this game in middle school and Kai remains one of my favourite ranger classes in video games to date just because of how fluid his combat is. Also? I actually started paying attention to the story at some point and. Let's just say the Inn music makes me really fucking sad now.

Stopped once I got to S3 content because my friends had completely fallen off of it and I didn't want to shell out the money needed to continue playing this game solo.