The profound effect this game had on me cannot be understated. For all the fun that the fandom for this game gets up to, this game is a harrowing and visceral depiction of what it means to be human in a world that is falling apart around you (and you are falling apart with it). It isn't all doom and gloom in Revachol, though. There's warmth in the interactions you have with the people around you, and even when you are at a loss for who you are, it is through these interactions that you find purpose to keep going.

Harry's journey throughout this game is probably the best depiction of grief I've experienced in any piece of media ever. For all the beauty there is in the world, there seems to be an overwhelming amount of pure shit that rises up to meet it. And yet, we persist. There's beauty in the act of struggling; of trying to swim when you are drowning because if you just look a little bit harder, you'll find that you aren't alone.

And remember,

Kim truly trusts you.


initially had it at 4 stars because I caved to the peer pressure of this game being hailed as a masterpiece but decided to be true to myself and knocked it down 1 star.

Honestly? I just don't think I understood this game. Granted, I was really fucking young when I played it and so I was definitely punching above my weight class in terms of comprehension because clearly it's supposed to be a subversion but at the time, I hadn't really played many games? So... I didn't know what it was trying to subvert. This game falls into the same category as Hylics in my mind, but something about Hylics was much more enjoyable... Perhaps the absurdity of the latter was humourous and brought levity while the absurdity here was just confusing to little old me.

(I played this game because I thought Zacharie looked cool. Please excuse me, I was but a wee middle schooler, okay?)

I'll get around to replaying this at some point.

This VN isn't groundbreaking or anything but I was weirdly hooked by it??? Also I'm a sucker for royal bodyguard/their royal charge pairings so maybe it isn't a surprise that I was feasting.

Honestly the magic system is pretty cool and given that Gara is my favourite Warframe conceptually speaking, it's no surprise that Ritona's glass weaponry makes me hoot and holler. I don't care if it's impractical, it's COOL AS HELL

crpg fans really ought to add this game to their list of games to play bc it's got it all — a killer soundtrack, satisfyingly difficult and in depth combat, an intriguing world, and fantastic dialogue.

I wasn't sure if this game was going to click for me (especially since I betrayed my rule of playing all previous games in a series before playing the Newest and Hottest game) but man, when Blood of the Lamb kicked in during the final combat of the intro sequence? Holy shit. I was hooked. The ambience of that fight — the hymn paired with the whistling winds of the nuclear winter punctuated by gunfire — was just so fucking good.

The world of Wasteland 3 is bleak, no doubt about it. You'll meet the worst that humanity has to offer on your journey through Colorado. The effects of the nuclear war have not been kind to humanity, and yet in spite of the cynicism and depravity that is rampant in the world, you can still be the person who makes the world a little less shitty to be in.

Or not.

And that's the beauty of this game!

On combat, there's nothing quite as satisfying as setting up your sniper in overwatch mode and one shotting enemy after enemy after enemy because of that one perk that gives you resets on a kill. Insane.

Also, it's crazy how my favourite cover of Everybody Have Fun Tonight by Wang Chum plays as background music at a cannibal camp. What other game lets you experience that?

Play this game.

While I understand why people didn't like this game (lots of hype is nigh impossible to live up to), I personally really enjoyed it!

I had a lot of fun with all the fighting styles (even brawler...which I tried my best to utilize despite the damage output being equivalent to a feather gently floating into your bullet proof shoulder) and since I never played the original, I don't care that wild dancer used to be better lol

I do lament baba not being around anymore, as well as some of the unique combat themes being swapped out but overall I had a loooooot of fun with the character swaps. Ryoma is.... hoo.... you thought kiryu was attractive? Hoo buddy.

Okita too...........

Anyways. I did a fair amount of history catch up on the late Edo period in preparation for this game and I must say, it was a lot of fun catching all the ways RGGS did their research and how they played with history to make certain choices that a specific historical figure made still fit into the "canon" personality of the character. Neat stuff. They didn't play as fast and loose with the history as they did with Kenzan (which is a whole other can of worms) but they still had fun with it and that I greatly respect.

Also, this game had Samurai Ondo, Majima's best karaoke song (made all the better with Kiryu's dry interjections).

あー!思い出した!骸街や〜(さっき言っただろう)lives rent free in my head, I tell you

k so listen

I may be one of yakuza's biggest SLOP eaters but even this pig has standards and this game does Not clear it LMFAOOOO my least favourite entry in the series BY FAR


I remember being flabbergasted as the credits rolled and it wasn't for any good reasons either


This is one of those games where you just sit there after the game ends, wrought with grief and something inexplicable. Days, weeks, months after you watch the credits roll, you still think about this game.

If I had to describe this game in a word, it'd be: haunting.

(Is this review a bit dramatic? Most definitely. But I feel like this game deserves it for making me feel so very empty after having completed it.)

I feel a little bit like Yahtzee wherein I struggle to find the words to capture how special this game was. Everything about Undertale, from the music to the characters and the world they inhabit in were crafted with such intention that there's truly no other game out there like it.

Every second of this game is filled with so much charm that outside of the beginning, you can easily "stumble" into a mostly pacifist route. That to me just speaks to the strength of the writing and the mechanics -- to have things laid out in such a way that the player CHOOSES to get the best outcome without actively searching for it is something to behold.

Once again, this game gets way too much shit for what it is but I also cried like a fucking bitch at the end so perhaps my judgment (ha) is a bit muddled...

In any case, I also didn't find the Big Reveal to be all that underwhelming like a lot of other people — it's surprisingly grounded for this series but still believable enough that the ramifications would be severe if it got out.

I liked the setting of Onomichi and Kiryu trying to care for Haruto is a delight indeed. Combat was floaty because they hadn't figured out the dragon engine at this point but... Kiryu had his forearms out for half the game so it's not like I was doing very good at paying attention to shit anyways.

I think in retrospect, this game is a lot better now that Gaiden has come out but even on its own I didn't hate it. Not in the same way 2 drove me up a wall, in any case.

This is totally what I anticipate y8 to be like btw

Anyways this game feels like at least 3 games packed into one and it's crazy that they even managed to tell a story that is vaguely sensible at all. Yes, it's very confusing and has sooooo many moving pieces that the WHOLE suffers for it but if you break it into segments then the game is really enjoyable imo? I spent an ungodly amount of time in Kiryu's taxi minigame, Saejima's fucking bear hunts, Haruka's idol training and Shinada's baseball simulator (which is better than the one in 6 for sure).

I don't know, I got the story eventually and honestly nothing will beat the confusion of 4 LMFAOOOO

(Haruka's segment was the best btw, would've been improved if she got to kick ass in street fights though)

this game is honestly not as bad as everyone made it out to be

I really, really enjoyed the orphanage segment at the beginning and it perfectly sets up the tragedy of Kiryu's story in later entries... There's all these domestic moments and it's a treat to see these kids learn right before your eyes... It's obvious why Kiryu fights so hard for them and why he does everything he can to keep them safe!

Sure the combat is clunky and definitely feels aged but I personally never really played these games for the combat anyways. Fuck golf though. And the fishing minigame was brutal too.

(Also it was the first game to introduce karaoke to the series sooooo +0.5 stars)

Ok listen I know this won't set me apart from all the other Astarion girlies but his story really and truly resonated with me in ways that make me feel so very seen. I knew I was going to like him even when he was just a mean bastard but having completed his arc... damn.


The game as a whole builds on everything I love about Larian's other works (especially D:OS 2) and elevates it to the highest of standards. The party dialogue is hugely improved and scratches the itch I had longed for after completing BioWare's games ages ago. The combat feels good and is rewarding whenever you get a build juuuuuust right. Not to mention the sheer SCALE of the game feels so impressive in a time period where everything feels like a live service cash grab.

Truly a game made for smart people like myself who basically exclusively play single player story focused games. (For legal purposes this is a joke. Still, it warms my heart to see that such a wide audience of people are enjoying a genre that many thought to be dead).

people gassed this game up like nobody's fucking business and for good reason too -- I think it hits the same spot that bg3 did this year wherein people were getting tired of shit releases and then this game comes out and blows everyone out of the water in terms of its depth and reactivity.

I'd read all the books and played the first two entries in this series just to get to this game and I can say it was well worth it. I enjoyed the combat and I enjoyed getting to finally FINALLY encounter Yen and Ciri (and all the complicated baggage that comes with that).

Honestly I think the cutscenes/dialogues were crazy innovative for how expressive/animated they were compared to the other leading rpg games from Bioware.

I don't really know what to rate this game, tbh so I'm not going to give it a rating. This game means a lot to me as it was a huge part of my childhood + the friendships I made all throughout life. Modded or vanilla, the multiplayer experience is what made this game for me. It's a great medium to just hang out and shoot the shit with friends but as a game?

I don't know.

I'm not creative enough to find the sandbox element of this enjoyable so vanilla quickly loses my interest. Modded is a little better in that exploration is vastly improved but still, it doesn't stick for long. And yet I find myself coming back to this game over and over again. Maybe that's its charm -- that it's a constant in my life.

Who knows!

Great game, I've played it several times over and every now n then I'll get the itch to do another run. Progression is good and it means I have an easier time sticking to it than with something like Minecraft (which I still enjoy, don't get me wrong, I just get bored when I don't have a clear goal).