this game definitely overstays its welcome but damn if I didn't have fun making all my friends/family and casting them as the characters in this silly little game

ok. this game is far from perfect with the overarching story but FUCK if it didn't absolutely nail the emotional beats, I cried 5 times while playing it and I don't feel bad bc if Ichi and Kiryu can cry then damnit I CAN TOO

I will go to fucking BAT for this game, please @ me

This game feels criminally short for how much I loved the world, the characters, and the combat. It isn't often that I enjoy RTWP but the magic is so explosive and satisfying to play with that I grew to really enjoy it.

I know this game can feel a bit half baked, especially without the added story DLC to breathe more life into the game (similar to PoE admittedly) but honestly Obsidian crafts such intriguing worlds that it still gets a near perfect score from me. I only wish there was more, y'know?


Is it a good roguelike? Perhaps not to roguelike enthusiasts — one could argue that the roguelike aspects are pretty shallow and it isn't nearly challenging nor skill based enough to satisfy veterans of the genre.

Is it a good Supergiant Game? Abso-fucking-lutely. And me, I love me some Supergiant Games so this game stands out as the only roguelike I enjoy because it isn't a good roguelike. The death/revival mechanic is a storytelling medium rather than a means to test your mettle and that's more than fine in my books.

The progression is satisfying (something I often struggle with when it comes to the concept of roguelikes) because you always progress some aspect of the narrative when you die. The music, writing, art direction, and voice acting are all phenomenal (as always) and I had a blast with this game.

Excited for the sequel!

Scared of playing this game for fear of not enjoying it

This game has been so hyped up and apparently a core mechanic that turned me off from the game is a spoiler???

This game is my cyberpunk 2077 and no man's sky

crazy that a DOOM MOD has one of the best storytelling to come out of video games in recent memory

what a fucking mod, man

"There's no good outcome from a house fire."

what a fucking fever dream of a game

can't say there's anything out there that's quite like this game...

it oozes style and makes my head hurt if I think about it for too long, great game

ok I know people hated the rhyming but honestly I didn't mind it

maybe it got old pretty quick but the storybook aesthetic was charming enough that I stuck with it until the end

I also really enjoyed the combat mechanics and found it to be weirdly engaging. Some of those boss battles felt like crazy difficulty spikes but it just made beating it that much more satisfying.

this is another instance of "watch it instead of playing it yourself" but not as much as the first game, good as that one was

I enjoyed this one much, much more since it keeps all the things I loved about the first game while improving on the stuff that kinda dragged the first time around

better watched than played yourself because that way you get to experience the fantastic story without having to slog through the gameplay

crazy game with an even crazier fandom

I liked this game waaaaaaaaaay more than the first one, but I don't think it would've been as good as it is were it not for the first one setting it up, so there's that

damn if I didn't get attached to gorion's ward and their relationship with imoen... poor girl... also minsc/jaheira/viconia were absolutely delightful in this game (even if I had to use a mod to get viconia to stay in the same party as the other two LOOOL)

jon irenicus is fucking baller as hell and it felt genuinely satisfying to FINALLY thwart this dude who has been a step ahead of us the entire fucking game

sarevok will always be special, but jon's voice acting is just too fucking good

this game wasn't really memorable, but I did have fun with it bc "number go up"

remember when assassin's creed was good

yea me too

(altair still my goat though)

genuinely I do not remember shit about this game except for the very end LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I remembered enjoying it, though

there's that, at least