71 reviews liked by chamako

The game has 3 huge positives. The presentation, the characterization and the ending. All 3 of these aspects are fantastic. However, as a package, I did not enjoy this game. Like 10 hours of this game could be cut and no loss. It's so bloated, with terrible level design and a flawed battle system. The story loses the sharp prioritization that OG had and loses a lot of its bite. A one and done for me but can't wait for part 2.

The most dogshit metroidvania of them all:

- Controls suck ass you have to double tap to run EVERY SINGLE TIME or install a fan patch
- Getting the cards skills you have to farm for 0.2% droprates or also install a fan patch (which doesn't quite fix the balance)
- Bosses have ridiculous amount of health, your protagonist does no damage unless you farm
- Worst castle layout possible, really bad dead ends in the map, some save rooms are really far away from bosses
- Ice Enemies and everything about them being absolute cancer and they make you want to wish to leave the area asap
- No shops
- The only useful subweapon is the boomerang, every single other is useless

If some of the issues were fixed, it's actually one of the GBA best action games because this game has great art, great music and some great art design.



Looks nice but the lack of platforming being just a press a prompt to auto jump/traverse automatically through entire places made it very boring, it also didn't help there's no real gameplay mechanics to distinguish it being a cat game instead of any other 4 legged animal leaving me overall too disinterested to play any more.

A rhythm game that was so shitty, Courtney Love sued Activision over it. No wait, it's because they let the Kurt Cobain model be utilized for any song, not just the Nirvana tracks.

I'm not going to give Guitar Hero 5 points for "playing just fine" since it changed literally none of its format from 4. That work was already done for them. The visual aspect is so lacking and oddly dark, and all the guest appearances feel pathetically hollow, more so than in the previous game.

when i said “more games need to be narrative driven boss rush modes” this is almost exactly what i was asking for.
the gameplay and the way it controls are both so slick. it’s a very fair game, errors feels like my fault instead of the game’s which doesn’t happen a whole lot in these “hard on purpose” games
and what a pretty fuckin game just drooling over this line and color work you can really tell how much love and dedication went into this. but FUCK those run n gun levels

loved that lil canadian robot bitch.
having a quad jump was a hoot. cute and fun for while it lasts, but not good enough to make me want to see and do it all

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If i made a game this good i’d also write a song where i mention how good the game i made is, and put the song at the end of the game

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