Very cute game and fun to look at and play.

Really enjoyed what I have played so far and the music and atmosphere are just so good.

Another of one of my most played games on Steam. It is a very good game but honestly I never got the hang of this game but I loved the Kaiserreich mod and the music in the base game alone is just so good.

Very satisfying to play and just a good time with friends.

I don't know why I stopped playing this, it is so fun.

Probably worse than I remember it, but I was young and I have such fond memories of it.

Originally played it on Xbox and eventually switched to PC to play with my partner about a year ago. It's not really a second Overwatch which is fine but the game overall feels less fulfilling with no way to meaningfully acquire the new skins without paying for them, and just feels increasingly more like a task than a game. I still love Rein so much tho.


Excellent game, and though I still play it I say I finished it cause it's the only game I've gotten every achievement in. Incredibly addicting ^^

I just have not played a game like it since I played it as a kid. It was just so much fun.

This was my intro to the franchise and it was just so damn good.


I know a lot of people are not impressed with this game but it just meant a lot to me.

I played it cause I am a huge fan of Classics and mythology and this game felt like such a letdown. I found the characters kind of annoying and it just kind of felt like a rip off of Breath of the WIld to me? And that's ok I guess, but it really was not for me.

It's ok! I am a big fan of trains and it is a cool concept. Given it's made by one guy, it does sometimes feel a little empty and the upgrades never felt especially crazy outside of speed? But overall it is a very fun game to stream to friends.

This game is so good. The story, sound, and scares are surprisingly amazing for a one man operation. I still have one ending to get that is pretty random but even so!

This is the game that really got me into strategy games and I just love it so much. The music is amazing, of course it's a little basic but the game came out in 2004.