This is my most played game on Steam. Though a large part of that may be when I had a worse computer that could not load this game effectively, I just had a lot of fun with this game when I played it. Though I never did a full Rome campaign I did complete one with Pontus and Egypt and I felt really fulfilled so I am calling it complete.

I just have not played a game like it since I played it as a kid. It was just so much fun.

Probably worse than I remember it, but I was young and I have such fond memories of it.

Loved this game!! It was such a good prequel to Red Dead Redemption and so much detail and heart was put into this. I cried like a baby with the High Honor ending.

My parents got me this for Christmas when I asked for Call of Juarez when I was real young. I was annoyed at first but this quickly became one of the best games I played on Xbox 360.

A lot going on with this game, even as a big fan of paradox I never feel like I know what I'm doing. That said it is a lot of fun.

A very good game to get lost in for like a week.


Very cute and enjoyable game! Have not finished it has such a nice atmosphere to it.

Excellent game!! The narration is so good, I love the atmosphere and the music. And I am always a fan of a good strategy game.

A very fun strategy game and a nice game to play collaboratively with pals.

One of my favorite horror games to play with friends, just endlessly good imo.

This is the game that really got me into strategy games and I just love it so much. The music is amazing, of course it's a little basic but the game came out in 2004.

A pretty fun game, and I found it very cute! It was a little simplistic but the kaiju were adorable and it was fun to stream to my partner.

Very cute game and the main story was finished pretty quickly for me, but I keep coming back occasionally for new follower forms and the Blood Moon event. I just like padding out the cult and the music is sooooo good.

I already love it so far! All of the old stuff about Mount and Blade that I loved so much and something about it is so addicting too. The campaign map AI leaves something to be desired when you're in a faction but c'est la vie.