Not as great as Flower or Journey. While the game has the wonderful atmosphere, story, vagueness, music, and beauty, the fumbles on one aspect that previous games similar devs worked on, movement. The pace of movement and overall enjoyment of moving around from Flower and Journey is replaced with extremely slow swimming. While you can latch on to animals, it still feels awkward and varies on how useful each is.

Love the creepy atmosphere, the way this game trickles lore rather than dumping lore on you in later games, and how the animatronics are actually creepy and hard to fight off at times. However the games dragged down how sometimes it does come down to luck to win the game, and some mechanics aren’t really explained to much so you have to die a few nights to understand some stuff like how Freddy operates.

A slightly better game than the original, and one I feel is a bit harder due to how many animatronics there are now. Still has a lot of creepiness factors in it such as the Puppet, withered animatronics, Mangle, and so on.

I appreciate how this game makes us have to use more than one location for the camera now, but man is it boring, not scary, and annoying with the Phantom animatronics. And this game just decides if it wants to be puss easy or insanely hard.

My favorite of the original four games due to its unique gameplay of listening to sounds, the scariest animatronics by far, and the really cool lore.

Holy hell, I think I found a new Sega franchise I can add to my list of favorite Sega franchises, up there with Super Monkey Ball. One of the most visually interesting and fun concepts for a game. While the controls are really tough to master I was able to get a handle on it, but the map for the game was pretty awful.

One of the best FPS campaigns I have played my entire life. Levels are not long but not short, a perfect blend of platforming and mechs, unique mechanics every level, fun boss fights, fun weapons, and insane level designs. A must play

A game with a good story that is underwhelming due to its simplistic puzzles and moment-to-moment gameplay. Even other games like Limbo and Inside, while also simple, don’t go on for too long with puzzles or interesting gameplay mechanics that help the player stay engage, while here, it feels like you do simplistic puzzles every few minutes followed by more walking.

As someone who has played the PS3 version before, this remake, while sometimes takes away from the visual style of the original game, is overall much more enjoyable to play due to the constant locked frame rate and better controls. I still enjoy this version’s take on a more realistic world as well, and sometimes it brings beauty that we couldn’t really grasp in the original game. I absolutely love SotC to death, thanks to its wonderful simple but great story, its minimalistic but mysterious world, and the powerful yet satisfying bosses. While I will say ICO is my favorite of the trilogy, SotC is a super close second and still a must play for anyone!

Wait, people say this is the worst God of War game? Chains of Olympus is right there!!!

A very relaxing and enjoyable game to play through and experience for a few hours. While I wouldn’t say it’s up there with ICO or A Short Hike for best relaxing vibe game, it is still on that list thanks to its simple and fun climbing mechanics, gripping atmosphere and world, and somber music.

One of the most addicting, fair, beautiful, and fun arcade games ever created. From its voxel looks to its intense gameplay, even after 10 years, this game is a recommendation!

PEAK visuals!
PEAK soundtrack!
PEAK combat!
PEAK level design!
PEAK characters!
PEAK boss battles!
PEAK length!
PEAK fun!
PEAK cutscene transitions!

PEAKEST game of all time!

I never had this much fun with a multiplayer game ever. PlayStation finally found its core multiplayer game!

Great game except for the awful input delay on Stage 4.