As a fan of Rhythm Heaven, I was not a huge fan of this game. While I loved the art style, as well as the music and blending of rhythm mechanics with platforming, the game can just be a drag at times. The cutscenes for bosses are just too long at times, making retries more insufferable as you can’t skip them due to being a rhythm game. If you die at the end of a long boss or stage, you gotta make it all the way back to that point to have a chance to try again. It gets really annoying. Also, I would have liked an indication on knowing whether I was late or early when hitting an object or enemy, to help show what I did wrong and better myself, like in Rhythm Heaven MegaMix. And lastly, it kinda gets repetitive overall, I feel, with only a few short gameplay mechanics to mix it up for a small bit.

This game is so freaking fun and addicting! Almost all the games are fair, fun, and replayable. What an amazing entry into the franchise, full of some of the best mini games from the series.

A one hell of a Kirby game that I can totally agree with fans on this being the best in the series! Not only is the level design fantastic, with how each level gives the player amazing uses of the copy abilities, mechs, and puzzle design, the game also has an amazing soundtrack that is full of great remixes of classic Kirby songs, but many refreshing new ones as well. Also, these are some of the best graphics on the 3DS, hands down. And the side mini games are an absolute blast as well! This is just a superb Kirby game!

A simple, unique, and charming Mario game for the launch of the Gameboy that's really held back by weird physics that are awkward to get used to.

Best Kirby game, hands down. The Kirby franchise has been stagnant fir the last few years, as they have been pushing a lot of spinoffs and playing it rather safe, but Forgotten Land brings a fresh new take on Kirby, as it finally sends him into the third dimension, giving him a cool new setting, and having gameplay that is new and fresh in many ways.

Returnal presents us with one of the most addicting, revolutionary, fun, immersive, and intriguing AAA games in the modern era. In an industry of Ubisoft open worlds and multiplayer battle pass games, Returnal brings rogue like elements and combines it with adrenaline third person shooter gameplay that I just could not put down at all. Not only that, but we are served with a story with a ton of twist and turns that make us question Selene’s backstory and her fate on this alien infested planet. This game is a HIGHLY difficult game that is addicting and a hard suggested play for any PS5 player or Steam player.

Many consider, or have considered, this to be the best game of all time. While I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite of all time, nor is it even in my Top 3 Zelda games, this game is an amazing game, especially for its time. I absolutely love the story they tell in the game, and the game utilizes time travel in effective ways through puzzles and gameplay. While the game is held back at sometimes with a world and areas that feel like a developer’s first 3D game, I still fall in love with the areas I explore like Gerudo Valley and Death Mountain. The game also boasts some of Zelda’s most memorable dungeons, like Spirit Temple, Forest Temple, Shadow Temple, and other various ones as well. The game is overall very solid, and while some other aspects have aged, like aiming arrows in first person and the camera, it’s still an adventure everyone should play!

A much more of an improvement that fixes basically all the problems of the original Mario Land game. While short, I loved the time I had with it. Definitely a top tier Mario game.

I absolutely love the game going back to having a life bar, being more focused on being linear, and faster pacing. However, I will say I didn't really enjoy the mini games, nor found any of the bosses that fun or memorable. Plus, while I don't mind shorter games at all, this one was really too short, being able to beat it in like 3 hours for a GBA game.

A great remaster of the classic Kirby's Adventure that fixes the controls, graphical glitches, and adds a cool 3D feature. I definitely recommend picking it up before it is too late!

Masterful in every way. This game has some of the most addicting combat, captivating story telling, amazing graphics still to this day, amazing score, and is just a game that is hard to put down. While I haven’t played the other God of War games so I don’t get much of the franchise’s roots or love, but I adored this game from beginning to end.

A simple yet beautiful game about bringing beauty and color to the world around us in a very unique and fun way. To many, people will criticize the games length being short, but I believe the length is perfect, as the gameplay loop doesn’t overstay its welcome. The one thing I agree with is that the controls are a bit hard to get used to, as it entirely motion based, with no button or stick use (aside from going forward), but I got used to it after a while.

A cute game that you can play and finish in a few hours. If you want a simple story driven game that is cheap and relatively unique and charming, I definitely recommend this game.

I don't care what people say, I absolutely love this game more than the average person. While yes, it's short, it allows for a lot of replay value, and that gameplay is absolutely fun and addicting. It improves everything on the original control wise, soundtrack wise, and moment-to-moment gameplay. I absolutely love this game, and it stinks we never got a true sequel to it outside Assault (which I still enjoy). Definitely a must play if you have NSO Expansion Pack.

A near flawless Gameboy Color game that offers to be one of the best platformers on the Gameboy family of systems. It's an innovative title that improves upon the original, by moving towards a puzzle platformer to help differ itself from other platformers, and it works. Not only that but the game offers so much content, with 50 levels, multiple endings, many treasures and mini games to collect and play, and so much more.