A very fun platformer, and surprising how great it is for being the true first 3D platformer. Yeah, it's short, easy, and has tank controls, but I had a lot of fun with it.

A pretty good licensed game. I had fun with it, but it gets repetitive doing the same tasks over and over. Also, I had some issues with depth perception and ledge grabbing not working on certain objects where they should. I'd definitely would give this to my kids to play as their first platformer. This was a nostalgia trip.

A fine Kirby game with amazing art style and fun characters, only really bogged down by the the stupid heart stars, as they don't tell you what you have to do to obtain them. I highly recommend playing with a guide to play. If you do, it's not that bad at all.

A huge improvement over Dreamland 3. While the collectibles are still a bit annoying, with some requiring specific abilities to obtain, and some of those require abilities not found in the same level, it's still way better than the stupid mini games or vague menu hints from Dreamland 3. The game has the best copy ability system, with being able to combine abilities for fun combinations, and so many that you won't see them all when you finished playing. Not only that but the soundtrack is an absolute banger, the cutscenes are super charming, and the difficulty is very fair. Definitely one of my favorite Kirby games.

An absolute joy to play and explore. While it is a bit slow, and you are a bit too underpowered at the beginning, the game just gets so much better as you upgrade yourself, and able to open new areas of the map. Sad that there isn't any game like this today. I strongly recommend this game!

I absolutely love the game going back to having a life bar, being more focused on being linear, and faster pacing. However, I will say I didn't really enjoy the mini games, nor found any of the bosses that fun or memorable. Plus, while I don't mind shorter games at all, this one was really too short, being able to beat it in like 3 hours for a GBA game.

A huge improvement over the original game's campaign that didn't do much to differentiate itself from the first game's campaign. The gameplay, world, characters, setting, vibe, and charm are off the hook. The levels are insanely better, as they are more creative, diverse, and actually make the player do stuff outside of getting to the end of a goal, like don't get shot, recreate an object, push this ball throughout the are, losing your main weapons, and even going full stealth. I had a lot of fun with this game, and I definitely think it's the best single-player content for the series this far. Hoping Splatoon 3 takes notes.

Is it just me, or do other people accidentally call it Donut Country instead of Donut County?

A top tier DLC add on for a game. While there may seem to be not many new bosses at first, with only 5 main and the final boss, these bosses are amazing, diverse, challenging, fun, and the most well animated bosses, more than the base game. Not only that, but you also have this King Challenge to help give you coins instead of generic levels, and it is more challenging but more fun. The music is also top tier for the series as well. This DLC is basically ESSENTIAL for anyone that liked the base game.

An adorable adventure game that I enjoyed all the way through! I absolutely loved cleaning the island, taking part in quests, researching all the animals, and just exploring. It's a small over world, but it is charming and full of life and beauty. It's also a short game, but it makes better for replays. Only real problem was with the framerate, where it would dip a lot when in more complex areas. Other than that, a new indie game I love!

As someone who hasn't been a huge fan of text based adventure games, I really did like this, and thought it had a great story with a lot of interesting twists and turns, along with having some amazing art and great characters. However, I feel like there isn't too much that changes the game enough. Outside one puzzle, there isn't a lot of unique puzzles, and most of the puzzles are finding out how to progress to the next story beat among you choices of what to say, go, do, which leads to some really weird ways how the game progresses. There are times where you have to do one very small and specific interaction or choice that seems minor, but makes you progress for some reason. One instance is where you have are at a cliff, and you go this apartment complex where you see if someone you know is there, but they aren't, so you go back outside, and then you notice an object in the ground that has been there since the start of the game. The game just feels a bit too obscure on how to progress. Outside that one huge issue I had throughout the game, I liked it.

Skipping most of the games after Kirby 64, and diving right into this game (as I can't get a copy of Return to Dreamland), I am very satisfied with this game. While I wouldn't say it is as memorable as 64, I still very much enjoyed this games simplicity, use of multiple platform layers, and puzzles with the Hypernova, as well as some really cool references with the keychains, great bosses, and some really solid music and level design. Definitely a Kirby game that is higher up there.

I don't care what people say, I absolutely love this game more than the average person. While yes, it's short, it allows for a lot of replay value, and that gameplay is absolutely fun and addicting. It improves everything on the original control wise, soundtrack wise, and moment-to-moment gameplay. I absolutely love this game, and it stinks we never got a true sequel to it outside Assault (which I still enjoy). Definitely a must play if you have NSO Expansion Pack.

A better game than The Missing Heir. While there are some points where you can get easily lost between the dialogue choices, with one choice buried among many choices, it's a far better game as it features more visual elements that help enhance the story, as well as just having a more interesting story overall, one that focuses less on surprises and repetition, but focuses on more twists and a darker tone. While I was still able to predict the killer long before they were set up, I still enjoyed my time more with this game than The Missing Heir.

A very addicting, but repetitive game that I had a lot of fun with. I absolutely loved the charm, graphics, and gameplay. Using the gadgets with the left control stick was very unique and intuitive, even if you lost more control for your camera, and it feels like you will ruin your control stick on the PS4 very easily as you do a lot of rapid movements with it for the gadgets. But it really is a cute and charming platformer.