this is where it all went wrong

like the tacky gift shop at the end of a museum if there was just a single dusty self-service kiosk and half the items in stock were broken or missing. especially sad as this would be my jam if it wasn't essentially abandonware.

whatever mr. krabs-esque creatures at rockstar that came up with the wildly insulting monetization of progression that oppressively hangs the in the game like a recent diagnosis of untreatable cancer at family supper should have their heads lopped open and their brains studied by greed-scientists.

i've never been so disappointed after finishing something that there wasn't more game to play

very misleading as the mystery is solved in the introductory text and the rest of the game is spent crawling around in womens clothes for spyro the dragon gems

every fucking item is booby trapped and im not kidding

like obra dinn after the invention of color TV

extremely interesting concept and worldbuilding but i got soft-locked on one save even from earlier loads, so started a fresh save, only to be unable to load into the third 'world' without crashing

larian this is the third game in a row you've made the floor hurt more often than it doesn't

completely nails the narrative and character style of Lisa and then does a frontside 360 pop shove it into a garbage bin by making every combat encounter a repetitive slog. also never going to be finished.

the complete opposite to SFV's launch where the V stood for the 5 years you had to wait to receive a finished product.
complete enough that it may actually be the first street fighter since alpha to release with fewer than three separate 'editions' but i also won't get my hopes up.

they keep flying the same planes past the camera to make their military look bigger

seeing those nasty, wet patties just slop right out of the broiler is an image i will never forget

Coming off AC7, I went into this game with very middling expectations which were quickly blown out of the water.
PW just absolutely oozes passion and feels about as close as a fan-game can get to the 'real thing', so you can imagine my surprise when the credits roll and seeing the dev team was literally three guys and a dream.
If you're a flight-action fan, you know we don't get to be picky, so breathe a sigh of relief that there are fans out there keeping the genre afloat and crafting completely unnecessary tunnel-runs.
Plus, because this is a small indie project, they can throw in cheeky shit like a genuine Pearl Harbor bombing mission and anime mission intro easter-eggs.