My goodness. This. It's just beautiful. I'm writing this as I finished this game, it's just "neat". With the flaws it has (which i barely care about in any way), it is still a good story to see. Just try it out yourself.

oh and also the music is the best too fr fr

I don't know what in the heavens is going on, but I love it.

The game is great. Really, it is. Just too spooky. Too spooky for me.


If there is a ghost in your living room, just beat the ectoplasm out of them with a bat. Always worked for me!

Anyways, while the combat is basically from your average RPG Maker 2003, the style and the story is actually pretty neat. You might like this game more for the setting, and not gameplay.

The game's great for gameplay, you don't really need to play it for the story. I really did enjoy it playing through campaign, though.

D O N ' T G O O U T A T N I G H T

This is basically Entropy Zero 1 but better. If you liked Entropy Zero 2, you might also like this mod.

These pricks can't stop eating their own poop. I love them so much.

The game is pretty great. It has some fun and neat puzzles that are fun to play around with.

but god, the ending is

not good. It just isn't good.


just, yes

I love everything about this. Too much, in fact. I loved the story, and the missions. Everything.

Especially the hunting. I just like hunting there.

"Look how they massacred my boy."