game does a good job at making you feel like you have a chance at this early on but as it continues you remember why arcades were made, TO EAT YOUR QUARTERS!!!

Based on the amount of lives I had used i would say i probably spend 134 quarters on this run of the game, also the hit boxes feel oddly off a bit. Not sure if its because of the cowabunga collection or the arcade game itself.

Enemy variety and speed of it is def an improvement over the past arcade game though. The animation is gorgeous, the fluidity as well. The music somehow isnt as strong as the SNES counterpart which i figured should be one of the better things

The balls these devs had making these games. They have no regard for your free time and created a gameplay loop that is undeniably addictive and so perfect in every single way. They masterfully lead you everywhere without ever holding your hand. Fun story, gorgeous aesthetic and great music. A top tier silent sleeper game that I hope everyone puts on their radar. Must play and a contender for GOTY 222

Oh shocker this game is still just as good on switch as it was on Xbox. Playing this after playing a lot of cowabunga collection made me realize that this is the definitive TMNT beat ‘em up. They remembered what those games “felt” like and were remembered for and made the gameplay actually reflect that

This is the absolute most perfectly addicting mobile card game ever. It respects your time and your wallet. This is how it should be done. If you haven’t played it yet, go do so. All that’s missing is playing against a friends list and I’m good

This game is oozing with lore. The world is so massive and populated you could really get lost in it. Unfortunately it’s an overwhelming amount of content and falls victim to the “checklist” game. Thankfully the main story was engaging enough and the gameplay (which was perfected in the original) has been upgraded and refined.

I do prefer the more low key efforts of the original but still a strong offering here

Let me start this off by saying I’m on record for saying that this wasn’t a game that was needed. We didn’t need this sequel and this game wasn’t something I needed to play. Too depressing. Blah blah blah.

This may be the best experience I’ve ever had. I can’t say this is my “favourite game”. Not because it’s bad, because it’s more than a game. The narrative that you are endured through the amazingly paced 25 hours is so deep, so strong - calling it a “game” is doing it injustice.

There were so many questionable choices I couldn’t understand why they were made. But they knew what they were doing and every step closer to the end made me feel so strongly about what was happening. I didn’t agree with the POV it ended on because I was shown how the world truly was here.

If you haven’t played this yet, you must. Turning this into a tv show or a movie isn’t even enough. This is some thing you need to experience through your eyes, your hands and your heart

A short but effect in between to help understand the characters just a little bit more. Crazy to play this AFTER Part II Though

My biggest issue is making me play through the whole game one more time just to get the “true ending”
Give us endings all at once okay?

Nevertheless this game took its hold on me and never let me go. Once I had to do Act 3, it’s all I ever thought about and it was eating away at me until I finished it. Countless deaths but I had to keep coming back.

This game is an experience. I’m not a rogue lite guy but the gameplay is so PERFECT here you cannot fight it