ran like garbage on my pc and was unfun otherwise, but maybe ill try it again at some point

all of my time with this game was spent making ninjas and playing through the story. pretty good

so fucking good. soulcalibur is extremely fun. although there are mechanics i dont like i think these games somehow make them work while other 3D fighters dont.

the training stage of history..

3D fighters with guard buttons do nothing for me really

this does not feel good to play

game is so fucking fun, i wish the emulator netplay was more popular. it is also incredibly busted. shoutout to my gf for letting me do saber combos on her in an arcade

i played it a bit and it's fine? i guess? i find myself very bored and not interested in the combat/characters, but time travel is a cool storytelling device. i might come back to this later but i think i just dont like JRPGs unless their systems are very involved (i.e i dont just click a move and combat happens, or it has more appealing visuals/features to engage me), and this game is just very much "old squaresoft JRPG" to me.

playing this game is like eating stale zebra cakes

i think i really just despise "smug" humor attempts from software devs. i also despise copying old games verbatim instead of trying to come up with new/interesting concepts.

to all retro game devs: none of you are funny. please fucking quit it.

got through the first ten minutes and realized "this is just the entire game, huh"

this game is really good but it was hard for me to play for a bit without feeling immensely overwhelmed