18 Reviews liked by coralanturn

perhaps the pirates of the caribbean game ive been needing, in terms of buoyant swashbuckling anti-authoritarian escapism ofc but also just the Physicality of ecstatic and yet inherently comedic action spectacle. so many combinations of actions and fast reversals of fortune that are just Inherently Amusing!!! and the written jokes aint bad either, on the whole they give the game a much more lighthearted and breezy tone then the movies im comparing it to and it works perfectly well for this,,,i can easily picture a worse version, but its all exuberant action movie giggles completely sold on the gravity of how Awesome ur character and her accomplishments are. just pure joy!!! and one of the best swordplay games ive yet come across, as fantastic as the main crowd control stuff is i was always happiest to just sink my teeth into a good one-on-one duel...lots of promises fulfilled here

I could never rlly get into Disgaea but I love Prinny so I decided to give this a try. If there's one thing I expect in platformers, it's good movement, and this stuff just felt stiff, not good at all

Even as someone who likes picross quite a bit, getting through the puzzles became more of a chore than something I wanted to do, and it highlights the problem with doing this concept; pacing is very, very hard to get right. In the 4th chapter, specifically, there were some moments where you're just sat there thinking "I would literally not have enough time to solve a picross puzzle in this scenario." It doesn't help that, story-wise, there's really only two threads that run across chapters, one of which breezes by and never really gets the screen time it deserved. Keep in mind that I'm coming at this more from a Prof. Layton or Danganronpa perspective and not a Phoenix Wright one; I know those games' chapters are more unrelated to one another than something like Danganronpa, but it still feels like for most of the game the story isn't really going anywhere, and halfway through the last case the game says "we need to bring all of this together, so let's do that now."

I realize it probably sounds like I don't like this game given all of the shitting on it I've just done, but I still do think this is an alright game. It's weaker in story than I expected, but it's a solid picross game, and that's gotta count for something, right?

Only made it 20 minutes. Everything about this game feels awful to control. Combat is miserable and slow, and when you inevitably die youll have to do all the tedious platforming and exploring you had to do since the last checkpoint all over again. The game also wants you to leer at all of its characters from the jump and it feels gross.

Game highlight: the environment art looked nice enough.

I think RPDR could be a great basis for a video game if it was done well, but not like this.

This is a formulaic mobile game that plays it very safe, and is cladded in sanitized drag race marketing words to the point where it felt like an ironic joke - but it wasn't. Unfortunately nothing about the gameplay was interesting to me.

To quote Gia Gunn, ‘I was so bored…’

Found the game while bored scrolling through Eshop RPG demo titles and was not disappointed by this one. It's a simple RPG with the added element of running a restaurant that serves food you cook from ingredients you obtain in the wild. While it doesn't do much, there's something about it that allowed it to spread in my friend group and remain iconic among us for quite some time.

Top 5 mobile game of all time NO QUESTION!!!

fun, spells, elements, reminds me of klingklang from pokemon

i cry everytime i play this game

a variety of notes, written whenever i can stop full body sobbing long enough to write them.

video games r the single greatest medium for this thesis statement, but it applies to all art. art is soul-powered, the machine cannot operate without a soul and the soul has nowhere to go if there is no machine. the machine must itself be made by a soul, often with the intent of capturing it, but it can only capture echoes and afterimages, only detectable with certain tools from certain angles. art in all mediums is in the ultimate superposition, completely at the mercy of its observer...yet the function of the machine is to convince the observer that its the other way around, and that THEY are at the mercy of IT

the most enriching experiences , for me, have come when awareness of this conflict have only aided the power, when i can see all the reasons i Should Not Care and how flaccid they are next to the amount that i Care Deeply. what is created is not distance but an Understanding, an effortless exchange where both i and the machine are aware of our relation to eachother, we have finally found someone who values the exchange as mutual instead of expecting the other to do all the work. many many ppl engage with art as a rule expecting it to simply whir away while they sit there and passively observe it, never letting their soul interact with it, never extending understanding to its limitations, never allowing it to just Be without explaining itself. that this is such a Particular Issue with the medium of video games has roots in a lot of causes, but i do not believe those causes are anything inherent to the medium itself. games, more then any other medium potentially, CAN demand your soul, and in this environment, it might be a moral imperative that they do

undertale is such an unbelievably trite line of comparison that i trust that u trust me that i wouldnt bring it up without good reason...aside from the fact that its rly an origin and anchoring point for my first exposure to a lot of these thoughts, its fascinating how two games that , timeline-wise, rly cant have Ripped Off Eachother, ended up with such similar things on their minds, and a similar drive to breathe life into what are on a surface level Barely Sketched worlds. in general i would say this is a lot more Specific and Conscious then undertale...undertale is thematically massive, filled with moments and images and rhymes that feel like they Should be straightforwardly didactic, but considering how vastly differently ppl have taken it over the years, theres plenty of testament to it being more of an associative sprawl...undertale does Not have a thesis statement, oneshot does

i might slightly prefer the sprawl approach in general...theres a lot more to chew on in a lot more directions, plus ive just had more time to live w/ undertale so its not the fairest comparison for me probably. but i also cant deny that i See my own personal undertale lens in this game, and that in fact it feels like an entire experience oriented out of that specificity, exploring and honing it to create the most power possible. thats the real reason i suppose that im bringing it up even tho its kind of embarrassing to do so...oneshot is capable of doing things Intentionally with its awareness of the player and its protagonist and the surrounding world in a way that undertale can rly only do between the lines with the player/frisk/chara interlocking triangle. the triangle is more interesting, its something ive been chewing on for years...but im not sure i feel it like i feel me and niko. and like how niko feels me and them.

one last note: one of my favorite things, esp compared to similar games, including undertale if im being honest, is its lack of moral judgement. it assumes that u are acting in good faith, are capable of having complicated feelings, and have a generally healthy ability to acknowledge that it is Just Fiction even as u are invested. the game is not interested in using yr input as a gotcha, not interested in wasting breath on those who dont engage with it in an earnest way. its not there to impress you, its not there to change your mind if you are going to be stubbornly callous towards it. it is not playing to a crowd, it is there for you. it is there for anyone who needs it. if thats you, youll know. and itll know.

I think I'm done with this game. I always hated the criticism of "a game not respecting your time" but this game felt like bashing your head against a brick wall. This was my monthly iPhone bathroom game at work and honestly the first 2 dungeons Incredible 4 and half to 5 stars, the combat felt fun and rewarding the rouge-like grind of one more run was great but holy shit you hit a wall where all the fun is sucked out of it. I was ready to 100% this game and I just deleted it off my phone. Seriously the only way I see ever coming back to this is if I have no other iPhone games to play because fuck the insane ramp up of difficulty and the only way to progress is replay the 2nd dungeon to farm gold. Really went from 100 to 0 so fast on this game so dissapointed.



breathtaking, and i appreciate how many of the vingettes change how u move thru the space. not very often i get to say "i dont think ive ever been in a place like this in a video game" anymore. the absurdism seemingly comes less from a place of any obvious thesis statement or dramatic effect, and more from emotional honesty...a deflation of purpose-searching, and the limited tools pre-approved by imperial capitalism we're supposed to use to do it

intoxicating...total intimacy of movement, geometry, map design, and subconscious emotion. womb-like. wall kick might be my new favorite move in any 3d platformer.