Cool as hell game. This one's for the sisters.

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The more I think about this game the more I dislike it lol.
Idk, the bullying/suicide part rubs me the wrong way.

Fun, but the way taking the more chaotic(?, forgot the right word) route is easier no matter what is kinda discouraging.

The most anime FE. I think it's fun but I don't like how the story gels with the mechanics. Very weird.

I think this game is a bunch of wasted potential but all the gay ships and fanart give me life.

I have many issues with this game, but it ain't bad for a first version and I still have fun.

My C-Sion may suck, but this game? Not in the slightest. Play Melty.

The most underrated fighting game on the planet. I put this above SF in terms of testing footsies and reads.

The fighting game I started with. If there's any one I wish to get good at, it's this.

My personal favorite GG just because of Bridget.

Probably the most fun Paper Mario entry. Very solid JRPG.

Big fan of the fairy tale-like story telling of the game.

Hilarious and thought-provoking at the same time. Should replay in JP.

One thing I like about Berseria is how focused the themes are. Every aspect of the writing seems to want to talk about Velvet's revenge in some way.