It feels incomplete in a few ways but what is there is very good

I don't know what's happening but the ukulele's are electric

If you can tell what's happening on the screen 40minutes into a run you're playing the game wrong

If you put a gun to my head and asked me to play this game, I would ask you to make it quick

Only real ones remember playing this game on the PS1

You either die a Fallout: New Vegas or live long enough for Bethesda to turn you into a Fallout: 76

At least it's better than '06!

Game isn't as bad as you'd think. At least they're trying something instead of spitting out bad sonic games for a full decade

It's dated but better than you'd think. Def worth a try

This game scratches an itch in my brain for truck jumping. It's like you're playing the imaginary freerunner that you imagined out the window on long car trips as a child

This woulda never happened if Hector was the main character

This game delivers on being a harsh survival game and that's not for everyone. Yes you will sprain your ankle if you walk up too steep a hill while carrying to much - yes that's a feature.

Game is really immersive and a great play once you start meeting it on its terms.

Extremely unique gameplay for a solid game

All parkour in gaming will be chasing the high that this game achieved