The lore in this is insane for a game about pigeons

I played a bad port but I still dig the vibe

All memories of the rest of this game are blurred by the tens (hundreds?) of hours spent in the chao garden throughout my life

This would get rated higher if the first 2 segments weren’t as superfluous

There are 2 kinds of people in this world: people who are nostalgic for this game and people who are way too harsh about it

I once spent 10+ hours grinding casino tokens in blackjack to cheese the alternate route AFTER grinding a different 10+ hours for exp, money, and fusion materials.

Yeah, this game is alright

While the concepts explored in TTYD are often more interesting, I far prefer the simple charm of this game

Spyro 1 goated
Spyro 2 and 3 are also there

Reinforces my bad taste in men. The games pretty good too.