Jean Armstrong keeps this from 5 stars tbh

It’s alright, but only once you build a tolerance to its unique brand of bullshit

THE Game for people with extremely small attention spans

In many ways better than the first game, but occasionally frustrating and confusing (ex: the introduction of the 2d sections+the boss battle format)

The final boss alone lowers any potential rating by one star

I bet this is more fun if you’re not going for 100% completion

Great movement and fun traversal, just keep that penguin parade level 10 ft from me at all times

Probably my favorite of the gba spyros, if only for how unique it is in structure

Solid, good starting point if you want the base experiences of these games without bugs.

Don’t play FF2 lol

This game is all signs of age. One star for the music and one star for, once again, the vibes/atmosphere

The vibes on this one are insane but it shows its age pretty heavily in some parts