This game is great until you decide to 100% it

If you ever want to know what purgatory feels like, try 100 percenting Super Mario Odyssey.

The rating of this game in my mind constantly fluctuates but this is the highest rating I could give it while being fair to what this game actually is.

The real life reference (if you know you know) in this is pretty indefensible though

Imagine a post-apocalypse, but like... cutesy!

Lot of fun, very rewarding to get good at! (Some bs with collectibles notwithstanding)

I once spent 10+ hours grinding casino tokens in blackjack to cheese the alternate route AFTER grinding a different 10+ hours for exp, money, and fusion materials.

Yeah, this game is alright

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.

I played a bad port but I still dig the vibe

Mfw I don’t have the exact powerup and animal combo in a level to get a remotely satisfying final boss