Can't imagine coming back to this after the next game comes out, but it's fun while it's here.

Torn between how much I like shiny hunting in the Ultra Wilds versus how upset I am over the story changes. Conclusion: braided pigtails cute.

This game is not great, but I still adore it after all this time. There's just something kind of silly about it... whether that's in a fun way or a bad way is up to you.

Got Black 2 'cos I thought I would get Reshiram. Did not get Reshiram. Still a great game though.

My first Pokemon game. It's not much to write home about, but even so I have nostalgia goggles of steel for this game.

Objectively this game sucks. I don't think it's worth returning to... but that doesn't change the fond memories I had with it when it first came out. A mess in a lovable way.

Even after playing other games in the series, this is still one of my favorites. Fun, accessible, and just weird enough to set it apart.

This is what good DLC looks like. It's worth its price and is overall a crazy good time.

Even outside of loving its sequels, I think MOTHER/Earthbound Beginnings is a good time--both as a quirky old JRPG and a piece of the series' history.

It was worth buying a Wii U for.

I would recommend this game to anyone with even the vaguest interest in video game storytelling. Or JRPGs. Or generally experiencing emotions.

Made my brain melt in a really, REALLY fun way.

Genuinely a masterpiece. The only thing that holds it back is that it was released in 2008.

Fast-paced, adorable, and downright addictive.

A great Persona game to play when you want to take a break from Persona.