Has no right to be THIS packed with content

Gameplay is stellar. Found myself speed-reading dialogue and skipping cutscenes toward the end but, for me, that's typical AC. Had fun!

Takes itself way too seriously. People praise the story but this is the first game where the cutscenes become noticeably annoying when the gameplay should come first. But man the graphics are great! Last game before Pokemon gets incredibly ugly.

Wayyy better than sword and shield but holy shit its so ugly I cant dude

Blew my expectations out of the water. The story is lowkey baby shit but the gameplay is so fun it's wild

played for 2 hours a month ago, forgot everything that happened. What a clunky mess

haters keep hating, i'll keep team killing you

if you rate it poorly you're simply bad


Had alot of fun, but holy hell was this at least 2 years out from being properly released

One of the narrative games ever created, no doubt