pointless skill tree+bland open world=disappointment

mirror's edge would have benefited from having a proper SEQUEL that built on the base game.

instead EA/DICE took almost 10 years to shit out a reboot that only resembles the original game on the surface.


noita is a very special game.

it takes the physics based interactivity of the numerous 'falling sand' web games and combines it with a roguelike dungeon crawler.

it really feels like anything can happen, you will die a lot from a myriad of different accidents.

i was oddly into this a a kid, not a bad game to revisit from time to time.

whoever decided to kill of R6 Patriots to make this piece of shit needs to be burned at the stake while being stoned

killed arguably the best "Tom Clancy's" game series to turn it into a cash cow

best MMO i've ever played, but the time investment is too much for too little reward

leans a lot heavier into the story aspect, and succeeds.

first game i ever pirated outside of emulation

a classic.
inferior to audiosurf 2 solely on the virtue of it having less content.

you're listening to steel pants radio

everything relating to RPG elements in NV is at its best for 3d Fallout.

that being said, it's still 3d Fallout and comes with that baggage of playing an open world bethesda game.

a game carried solely off of its subversive story, great only once.

the aquarium shooting gallery is still one of the most badass moments in generic military shooter games though!


best game of the previous console generation.
might even be game of the decade, no game in recent memory has given me this much freedom.

this game stole 2000+ hours off of my life clock, and i got into the game LATE

i can't imagine what some of the longer term players hour counts are.

you feel like shadow when playing this game, can't say the same for his other playable appearances in the series

this entry of guilty gear has justice, the future titles do not.

i rest my case.